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The Case against Hillary Clinton Say NO to Her 2016 Hopes
1/27/2014 4:42:48 PM

Obama Confirms Hillary Lied About Benghazi, Releases Names of Terrorists Responsible

Over a year later, the Obama administration has finally confirmed that Islamic extremists were responsible for the terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, in Sept. 2012.

This undermines then-Hillary Clinton’s State Department and its vehement denial that the Benghazi terrorist attack that was the result of an anti-Muslim YouTube video.

This morning, the State Department announced that the Muslim extremists group Ansar al-Sharia was responsible for the attacks. According to Secretary of State John Kerry, two branches of Ansar al-Sharia participated in the terrorist attack—the Benghazi branch and the Darnah branch. Darnah is a port city in Libya, approximately 180 miles northwest of Benghazi.

Ansar al-Sharia’s Tunisia branch was also behind an attack on Americans in Tunis last year.

RELATED: Congress Admits ‘Troubling Gaps’ in Clinton’s Benghazi Investigation

Today, the State Department labelled all three branches of this organization as terrorist groups.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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RE: The Case against Hillary Clinton Say NO to Her 2016 Hopes
2/18/2014 12:32:42 AM
How is that Brand Ms. Clinton uhhh Underwood ??? Any similarities seen? Have you noticed how us right wingers are portrayed? Just like they, the immaculate left act is more like it.

House Of Cards: Still deeply empty, still occasionally genius

Midway through the season-two finale of House Of Cards, Kevin Spacey’s Francis Underwood confronts one of the many people incredibly pissed off at him backstage at the opera. (It has to be the opera, for House Of Cards does not do subtlety.) The conversation is interrupted by a patron who exits the auditorium, presumably looking for a bathroom. They look over at her as she walks through—both seemingly miffed that she even exists. It’s a scene that summarizes House Of Cards’ relationship to the average American citizen: Everybody in this country is grist for the mill for politicians like Frank, who serve only themselves and carry out their real deal-making far behind the scenes of what’s available to the press and C-SPAN. And don’t you think you have the right to know about it. At best, you’re an irritating inconvenience. At worst, you’re dead.

In almost every way, season two of House Of Cards is an improvement on season one. It both figures out a much better use for Robin Wright as Frank’s wife, Claire, and better indicates that Frank is making most of his Machiavellian schemes up as he goes along. (Frank is still simply too good at knowing exactly how everyone around him will react to everything to be strictly believable, but House Of Cards isn’t particularly interested in strict realism.) Sure, the show’s “politics” feel ripped from a Politico comment section, and yes, the show’s plot doesn’t really go anywhere until the final handful of episodes. But the season also tosses an incredible number of balls in the air and manages to keep juggling them, which is impressive in and of itself.

However, the series still struggles with the foremost issue that bedeviled season one: It’s not about a goddamn thing, other than getting you to keep watching the episodes by keeping the plotting as obvious and easy to understand as possible. What the series has to say about American politics is brain-numbingly basic and devoid of nuance, largely boiling down to the easiest kind of cynicism but then refusing to grow beyond that. (If all politicians in the series’ world need to be more like Frank to get ahead, as it seems to suggest, then it’s a wonder a man as milquetoast as Michel Gill’s President Garrett Walker got as far as local dog catcher.) House Of Cards is a series intent on congratulating the viewer for being suspicious of politicians, but it’s not particularly interested in examining root causes for political corruption—or even the motivations of its protagonist Frank, and why he so covets power. It’s the ultimate binge-watching experience, in that it rewards even the laziness of thought.

That’s fine, of course. Not all shows need be probing indictments of the American condition. When House Of Cards wants to unleash a plot twist or two, it can be a heck of a lot of fun, but its writers, actors, and directors are working at cross-purposes. The writers seem to be trying to come up with a self-serious epic of a modern Machiavelli, one where he can get away with anything and isn’t even stopped by something as basic as his adversaries comparing notes. The actors—particularly Spacey and Wright—seem to embrace the dark camp at the series’ heart. And the directors—led this season by James Foley—seem more invested in creating a kind of stylish, hyper-real Washington diorama. The three approaches mesh into a darkly campy, super-stylish wannabe romp that takes itself far too seriously and becomes far too ponderous to ever really achieve liftoff.

The series also suffers from a serious problem of having no characters who can attain the gravitational weight of Frank. Season one at least had Peter Russo (Corey Stoll), whose patsy status grew more and more tragic as the season wore on. In this season, a shocking incident means Frank can largely coast unscathed from the premiere on. (That shocking incident is also House Of Cards in a nutshell: gasp-worthy in the moment, but eminently predictable and hackneyed if you stop to think about it for even a second.) There are feints toward making Gerald McRaney’s billionaire Raymond Tusk someone who might bring Frank down, but he never convincingly presents a figure who might give Frank a real run for his money, even when he’s supposed to have Frank on the ropes. The series has simply stacked its deck far too much in favor of its protagonist, and it doesn’t seem to know how to regard him without hoping the audience is imagining awesome guitar solos to accompany his every entrance. Breaking Bad and The Sopranos interrogated their antiheroes thoroughly; House Of Cards never misses an opportunity to adulate Frank.

This also means that the storytelling is positively full of threads and pieces that have far less weight than anything Frank is up to (a problem that also cropped up in season one). Though it’s better about finding a place for everything in its endgame, it’s hard to get too invested in, say, the travails of the president’s marriage or Frank’s loyal right-hand man Doug Stamper (Michael Kelly) falling in love with exactly the wrong person. The series keeps coming back to extremely tangential figures, like a weirdo genius hacker played by Jimmi Simpson, in ways that suggest it has trouble letting anything go and/or is lining up for some sort of genius series endgame, whenever that moment might come. Still, in the moment, even in the middle of a binge-watch, it’s hard to get too interested in these many stray threads.

Yet House Of Cards is also weirdly perfect when it comes to what it’s meant to do, which is keep viewers plowing through episodes, regardless of time spent doing so. There are just enough flourishes around the edges—like the way that Frank only looks directly into the camera when regarding his wife or the audience, or how Kelly deepens Stamper into a character worth caring for, or a magnificent final shot—that it’s possible to feel like House Of Cards has something deeper on its mind, even when it’s all but clear it doesn’t. This is sleight of hand that works much better in the middle of the binge, rather than a few hours later, when contemplating whether the plot made any sense. The series also gains a bit of strength from Molly Parker as the new House majority whip, even if her character’s place in the story is only occasionally clear.

If nothing else, season two announces Claire as the unexpected soul of the show and Wright’s performance as worthy of all the attention it received for season one (which frequently squandered her). She’s a woman caught between many impulses, and in the season’s final two episodes, when she gets a look at just how the Underwood brand of politics might look to an innocent citizen swept into its gaping maw, she’s riveting. There’s a moment when she lets emotion creep through the façade she and her husband wear at all times, and it feels like a watershed for the show, the moment when everything changes and nothing can be reversed. But then she crams it all back inside, and all systems are go. It’s a remarkable bit of acting from Wright, but it’s also a dulling sign that on House Of Cards the only thing worth considering, as always, is how ****ing awesome it would be to always get what you want.

Developed by: Beau Willimon, from the books by Michael Dobbs and the miniseries by Andrew Davies
Starring: Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Michael Kelly, Molly Parker
Streaming on: Netflix
Format: Hour-long political drama
Entire second season watched for review

For thoughts on, and a place to discuss, the plot details not talked about in this review, visit House Of Cards' spoiler space.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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5/11/2014 1:42:28 PM

Yes I am on a campaign to Stop Hillary's 2016 Dreams


Hilary-Clinton-supports-terrorism-in-EgyptTim Brown 5-5-15 Has everyone heard about Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine backing Hillary Clinton for a 2016 presidential bid? According to a CBS news article, Kaine, addressing a Democratic women’s breakfast on May 3, 2014, in South Carolina, said that former Secretary of State Clinton had shown grace in handling an array of problems and attacks in her 30 years of public life. The Democratic Senator from Virginia said it was never too early to start backing Hellary (yes, this spelling is intentional) and that she had “what it takes” to be president.

According to a statement by Kaine, “She’s got the accumulated backbone and scar tissue and wisdom and judgment – all of those things you need in a leader.”

Other Democratic supporters of a “Hellary for President” run in 2016 includes Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY), former Governor Jennifer Granholm (MI), and Sen. Claire McCaskill (MO).

While Hellary decides on a run for the White House again later this year, a document dump by the Clinton Presidential Library released a handwritten note by Bill Clinton in March 2000 to Bassam Erstwani,chairman of the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Virginia. The tone of the note suggests that then President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton “enjoyed a friendly relationship with the chairman of a mosque that counted 9/11 hijackers as worshippers and invited controversial Muslim Brotherhood-linked television preacher Yusuf al-Qaradawi in for a meeting.” It appears that in the note signed “BC,” former president Bill Clinton indicated that having Muslim support would be good.

It seems Erstwani visited the White House multiple times during the Clinton presidency. Photographic documentation has Erstwani in the Oval Office shaking hands with President Clinton and, on another separate occasion, at a White House event smiling while next to Hillary. Erstwani has also been linked with Anwar Al-Awlaki – imam of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque from January 2001 to April 2002, a senior Al-Qaeda recruiter linked to several terrorists, preacher to three of the 9/11 hijackers, linked to the Fort Hood shooter by US officials and killed in a drone strike in September 2011 commanded by the CIA.

In addition to being linked with the Black Panthers, Hillary has some connection with Muslim terrorists just like her former boss, Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Harry Bounel. Both of these individuals, Hillary and Barry, were involved in the events and cover-up surrounding the terrorist attack on the US facility in Benghazi, where four Americans were brutally murdered. Hillary refused additional security to the compound. Obama ordered the stand down of troops that could have assisted in abating the attack. Clinton proceeded to become complicit in a government cover-up of supplying arms to Syrian Al-Qaeda backed rebel terrorists by blaming the attack on a spontaneous protest from a YouTube video; then, she blasted a Congressional committee with the “what difference does it make” comment when questioned. All of this was done to protect the re-election chances of an incumbent president bycovering treasonous activities by the administration. Regardless of party or race, these actions are criminal.

Yes, her stellar examples of wisdom and judgment are presidential quality as is her accumulated backbone. Her scar tissue of presidential quality ranks right up there with a case of the shingles. These are the things needed in a leader, according to Sen. Kaine, but Hillary’s example of these qualities is sorely lacking. In addition to her magnanimous qualities, her criminal, treasonous acts should be a prohibition for a presidential bid. However, Hellary’s lies, treason, and inaction resulting in the murder of four Americansmeans nothing to liberal progressive Democrats.

Instead of looking at the information that links another potential presidential candidate with known terrorists and the enemies of America, the liberal progressives take pot shots at those who speak inconservative tones. They deflect from the real issue to attack, malign and smear those who link the current corrupt government with American’s enemies and the heralding of the end of our nation. The current administration’s favoring of a special group means nothing to them even when that group seeks to subjugate the population and eradicate freedom. While they may believe in their mind they are supporting freedom, their continued support of individuals in government who do not support freedom suggests otherwise.

It has become an uphill battle to focus the attention of liberal progressives on true issues as they are more interested in promoting their agenda, defending criminals and those who seek to take freedom away and to use every tactic available to avoid facing facts.

Hellary’s friendly association with Erstwani, through Bill, has profound implications with regard to her actions in Benghazi, not to mention, her clear participation in a cover-up to conceal treasonous activities on the part of this administration and Obama. It also shows a clear intent to protect terrorists who commit atrocities, murder Americans and subjugate, rape, torture or murder Christians and other non-Muslims for sport – if that doesn’t satisfy this blood-thirsty group, they engage in cannibalism by eating the heart of their victims then play soccer and kickball with the heads of the murdered. This is whom the liberal progressives and Sen. Kaine, Sen. Schumer, Sen. McCaskill and former Gov. Granholm would support and back for a presidential bid – terrorist supporting, criminal, treasonous, corrupt Hillary Clinton?!

This is beyond ludicrous. And they call us insane.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Treason Exposed! Obama Used Benghazi Attack to Cover Up Arms Shipments to Muslim
5/11/2014 5:07:18 PM
Do you really think Ms. Clinton was kept in the dark on all this? Personally, I believe she was right in the middle of it.

Treason Exposed! Obama Used Benghazi Attack to Cover Up Arms Shipments to Muslim Brotherhood

Despite evidence showing the Benghazi attack was staged by a State Department hired jihadist security outfit in connection with an arms transfer to al-Qaeda mercenaries in Syria, the establishment media is pretending it does not know what happened in Libya on September 11, 2012.

The corporate media has yet to point out that the Obama administration attempted to cover-up the real reason for the murder of ambassador Stevens -- U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and the State Department initially pointing to a lame anti-Muslim video -- and has consistently downplayed the incident and characterized it as a non-event not requiring congressional investigation and the impeachment of President Obama.

Covert War Between the Pentagon and CIA

A number of people came forward following the attack have built an indisputable case that the CIA was shipping arms from U.S.-controlled facilities located at the U.S. mission in Benghazi to its mercenaries in Syria and the murder of ambassador Stevens was carried out by an al-Qaeda affiliated group as part of a turf war between the CIA and elements in the Pentagon.
"The real issue is very simple, you have to think of two elements of the government fighting each other that are covert," Pieczenik said. "The government is never unified, it never has been unified. For over thirty or forty years there has been a conflict between the military and the CIA and the FBI... The CIA has been run for the last fifty years by civilians who are out of control."

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Credit:Fox News

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case against Hillary Clinton Say NO to Her 2016 Hopes
5/18/2014 1:32:54 PM

Liberals would lose it! Ben Carson, Allen West could make history with 2016 bids

With a Republican primary field wide open for the 2016 race, two possible candidates for the the GOP nomination are guaranteed to drive the libs even crazier than unusual.

collage0517carsonwestDr. Benjamin Carson and Army Col. Allen West — with spotless records of professional success and national reputations as outspoken conservatives — are talking more seriously about making a run for the country’s highest office.

In his latest book, Carson seemed to downplay the possibility of a candidacy. The retired neurosurgeon wrote that he had not felt “the call” to run, but would run if he thought it was something God wanted him to do.

In an interview this week with the Weekly Standard, Carson said his public appearances are filled with admirers urging him to run, “so I think I’m starting to hear something.”

And if he does run, he’s prepared for the kind of bile progressives use on black Republicans.

“I’ve just decided that I’m not going to be intimidated, and of course they don’t like that very much,” he told the Weekly Standard. “And they’ve tried to intimidate me into silence but it’s just not going to work, because the more they do it, the more vocal I’m going to be.”

Enraged Dallas morning show co-host
receiving death threats after ESPN kiss debate

Meanwhile, West on Wednesday told radio host Ben Shapiro that his encounters on tour promoting his newest book, “Guardian of the Republic,” have forced him to at least contemplate a presidential run.

“Wherever we stopped, people would come up and ask me that question,” West said. “It would be very disrespectful and dismissive of great Americans if I did not step back and take the time to consider it and pray about it …

“Am I contemplating it? Yes. That does not mean that I’m going to jump in and do it.”

Both candidacies would be long shots by any standard, and book-tour campaign have to be taken with a grain of salt. But while both parties have had blacks running for the nomination before, with varying degrees of seriousness — Alan Keyes, Herman Cain in the GOP; Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton for the Dems — neither party has fielded two competitive black candidates in the same year.

Two vibrant black conservatives would look pretty darn good next to a tired retread of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden blaming each other for the past eight years – and the failures of the first black president.

And the libs would lose it.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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