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Elaine Groff Wolff

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RE: What Programs Do You Use That Reward You For Your Activity?
2/3/2014 6:27:38 AM
Thank you Shelayne for joining Click Fred e-mails.

Shelayne's Click Fred E-mails. profile

You successfully transferred 100 credits.

Thank you Ken for the promotions you are doing of Click Fred E-mails and the other programs I use to help others with their advertising. I love programs that offer loyalty bonuses and am glad to share them with my friends and reward them for joining.
Get 100 to 500 Credits as a sign-up bonus...100 credits if free and 500 if you take advantage of the OTO (one time offer) and upgrade to any of the four pro levels. Plus I will award you 100 credits in loyalty reward bonuses for every day that you log in as long as you don't miss a day.

I will reestablish the loyalty bonus on your request either by PM or posting a message in this forum thread....

I want to expand that same offer to any of the programs below. Just click on the banners to join and receive the 100 to 500 credits for signing up and 100 credits a day for your active participation:

That is it for now. There is one other program that I am working on but I have not worked out the details. So for now, you can get from 100 to 2,000 credits as sign-up bonus plus 100 credits a day for staying active in each program. If you miss a day the offer ends but you can reinstate it by posting a message in this forum or send me a direct message. Communication is what will work.

To your success,


P.S. I love it when this happens:
Congratulations Elaine!

You won $0.54 cash, 344.1 credits, 874.5 bimps, and 720 limps in our weekly jackpot!
These have already been added to your account.
Thank You for being one of our most active members!

Thank you,
Click Fred E-mails

Elaine Groff Wolff
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: What Programs Do You Use That Reward You For Your Activity?
2/13/2014 1:31:55 AM
Hi Ken,

Here I am joining the forum.

Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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RE: What Programs Do You Use That Reward You For Your Activity?
2/13/2014 8:52:40 AM
Hi Ken,

Here I am joining the forum.


Thank you Myrna for joining this forum! I know you have a few programs that are offering great value to anyone who signs up....We could talk about all of them here or one at a time. Why don't we start with the one you are most excited about. In fact lets start a new thread to do that.

Click Here to go to the Programs with Loyalty Bonuses forum.

Then click on New Topic. It will open a form to post whatevey you want to say about the program you are most excited about. I think I know what that is because I already joined with you in that program but I do not want to steal your thunder....LOL

Thanks again for joining this forum. I hope all of your friends here will join with you.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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RE: What Programs Do You Use That Reward You For Your Activity?
2/16/2014 7:23:22 AM
Hi Friends,

I will find a better place for this soon. I see I have some work to do for Myrna which I am so happy to do and will get to it soon. I first wanted to post this somewhere and give you a heads up on it. You may have to go to The Soaring Eagle Team in Facebook for the graphics and links to be clickable. You should go there anyway when you join and place your link as the latest link in the downline builder to infiity. We will all work as a team to find a referral to join and place their link after yours.

Here is a newer TE that have excellent owners that look after you
Unlike · · · February 12 at 10:07pm
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team