Thank you Ken for the suggestions. I made the graphic at the bottom of my message above clickable leading to a sign up page for Recipe Mailer. The banner at the top like the banner on top of this message was already clickable.
I also offered this sign-up and loyalty bonus:
Quote: ... Get 100 to 500 Credits as a sign-up Bonus. 100 credits if free and 500 if you take advantage of the OTO (one time offer) and upgrade to any of the four pro levels. Plus I will award you 100 credits in loyalty reward bonuses for every day that you log in as long as you don't miss a day.
I will reestablish the loyalty bonus on your request either by PM or posting a message in this forum thread....
I want to expand that same offer to any of the programs below. Just click on the banners to join and receive the 100 to 500 credits for signing up and 100 credits a day for your active participation:

That is it for now. There is one other program that I am working on but I have not worked out the details. So for now, you can get from 100 to 2,000 credits as sign-up bonuses, plus 100 credits a day for staying active in each program. If you miss a day the offer ends but you can reinstate it by posting a message in this forum or send me a direct message. Communication is what will work. To your success, Elaine