Rhetorical Analysis and Blogging Rhetorical Analysis and Blogging go hand in hand. Sometimes you will be replying to or critiquing a particular scenario and your opinion needs to be supported and should not be your focus in your reply or argument for or against a subject and here you will use Ethos, Pathos, and Logos as way to help you get there.
In the below video is a good explanation and how to do Rhetorical Analysis.
In case you are not familiar with Pathos, Ethos, and Logos this video will help you understand them an how to use them in writing your blog.
Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Persuasion/Advertising/WritingScience Of Persuasion
This little video brought my attention to it. Did you know you can learn a lot by searching YouTube for topics of interest?
Ethos, Logos, PathosI hope this helps you in your blogging.