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Re: This Scammer deserves to be hung!
1/19/2006 8:26:06 PM
SO, Your going to be rich LOL I am sorry to laugh Anthony, it's just that, they think of everything and it is funny how many different stories they can come up with. Wonder what they will try next! Thanks for passing this along, and Have a Great Evening :)
Re: This Scammer deserves to be hung!
1/19/2006 8:34:35 PM
Hi Anthony, I too, like many others, get these kind of emails regularly. This particular one I haven't however. The people who prey on others & use traumatic events to their own ends are truly dispicable. It is good to know people here are smarter than the average person. I also send those emails to the proper authorities/companies involved; but I haven't used the link you provided Anthony, so thanks for that. It's bookmarked now & I'll be using it. BTW, many of those phising emails have trojans attached, so everyone be sure to have a good protection program on your computer. Mine regularly gets rid of those pesky things! Lorraine
Flag of Dave Cottrell

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Re: This Scammer deserves to be hung!
1/19/2006 8:40:06 PM
Hi Anthony, These phishing schemes are despicable in any form. However, there is another side to these schemes that is rarely, if ever, mentioned. There is only one reason these schemes are continuing and actually on the increase: the chumps that are sucked in by these schemes, whether they stop to think about it or not, are also greedy and crooked themselves. They are accepting an offer to do something totally illegal to line their own pockets. If the bait's not taken, the fisherman goes home. God bless, Dave
Flag of Eva Gutray

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Re: This Scammer deserves to be hung!
1/19/2006 10:01:40 PM
01/20/2006 Tasmania - Australia Hi Friends, You are so caring, and warning everyone. I was fool too, not of money but of my time, to try help them find a good lawyer to assist them. The lawyer and I we have good laugh from it, and he got his fee for his time, I must admit he was reasonable this time with naive person as myself. Look like this letters never end. Majority are from Africa. Warm Regards Eva _____________________________________________ We are Inviting you to Exchange Links with Us at : Http:// is interested in using the Internet to help bring and end to Child Poverty, and any person, and animals abuse, through education, and support of worthy organizations as chosen by the purchaser of World Win Sweepstakes The winner of Greeting - Gift all in one, will receive All expenses - paid VIP holiday for two + $$$$ in Australia - Tasmania, and many more CASH prizes
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Re: This Scammer deserves to be hung!
1/19/2006 11:12:47 PM
Thanks for the heads up on this! I have recieved several Tusnami ones from Africa and surrounding areas, etc. and all are bogus (of course) and the writing on this one sounds just like those not the way English speaking people talk or write! Probably came from them again not from Scotland and you would think they would learn to write properly and in proper sentances if they were actually a Lawyer??LOL, Maybe they need lessons in thier craft? Well keep up the good work! As Always, God Bless! Sincerly, Susan

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