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This Scammer deserves to be hung!
1/19/2006 4:43:37 PM
Hello Everyone. It's not often I get annoyed, well not really annoyed. However, this email I received, which I hasten to add, is a total scam, con, phishing email, has made me very angry indeed. This disgusting ...... Words fail me, & that does not happen often. This worthless piece of human garbage, is not only trying to con people out of money, but he is using the London Bombing of last summer as his 'opportunity' or 'Bait' for the unsuspecting 'dupe' to get hooked with. As some of you know, I used to live South of London, before I emigrated here to Nevada. I still have a great amount of Family & Friends, living & working in & around London. One of whom was actually hurt in the Bombings (he's OK now) Read the email below & see why I am so angry with this scum. --------------------------------------------- Dear Friend, I wish to approach you with a request that would be of immense benefit to both of us. I am an attorney based in Scotland United Kingdom. I want you and I to make some fortune out of a situation that I am obviously left with no other better option. The issue that I am presenting to you is a case of my client that willed a fortune to his only daughter. It is unfortunate that he and his daughter died on the London Bomb attacks on 7 July this year. The wife died of heart attack on receiving the sad news a week after. I am now faced with a problem of getting a trusted person who I will make the beneficiary that I would pass the fortune to. And according to the law such fortune is supposed to be bequeathed to the government if there is not any relatives or next-of-kin of the decease that would surface for claim of the fortune. However, I personally don’t belong to such school of thought that proposes that such fortune be given to the government because this is cheating and is possible that the top government officials for their own selfish interest could divert the fortune. Because of this I am contacting you to seek your acting as the beneficiary of the will. I am my client attorney and I alone knew about his will. Upon indication of your interests, all I will do is to amend the will by fitting in your name as the supposed next-of-kin and back it up with a sworn affidavit, which automatically became valid. This amendment should be between us and must not leak out to anyone. It is absolutely confidential. I have complete information of his bank account details with an outstanding balance of $48,550,000.00USD ($48.550 Million USD). To make you be sure of this, I can provide you with details of his bank to enable you to log on to his account to confirm this balance. I know that you would be apprehensive and feel that this is a big sum, but it does not matter because this is a legacy being passed on to a next-of-kin and you are the available next-of-kin. As I am not very sure of getting your consent yet on the issue, I prefer not to divulge my full identity so as not to risk being disbarred. Until I am sure of your consent and full cooperation then I will not be afraid to give you my full identity. In the meanwhile, I would prefer that we maintain correspondence by email and fax. At this point I want to assure you that your true consent, full cooperation and confidentiality are all that are required to enable us to take full advantage of this golden opportunity. I shall make representation to the legal courts to facilitate the amendment process within three working days. Since this is a transaction of immense benefit to both of us, I would want that we shared all expenses according to our agreed sharing ratio of the fortune. The sharing ratio shall be 60% for me and 40% for you. This shall also be applicable to all expenditures that would be incurred in the course of the transaction because I wouldn’t want either of us to feel cheated. Please note that this is a legal and risk free transaction that does not in anyway hamper the monetary laws of your country. It is an inheritance fund. If you are interested to work with me, please provide me with your name, address, nationality, age, and date of birth, height, and phone and fax numbers as required for the amendment of the will. On completion of this, I will send you a copy of the amended will which you will fax to the bank with a back up letter written by your good self requesting for the release of the fund to you. I will also write to the bank as the legal representative of my client before his demise, ordering for the transfer of the fund to you, as the beneficiary of his will. I will appreciate your urgent response in this regard. Thanks for your anticipated cooperation. Yours faithfully, KIRK MURDOCH. --------------------------------------------- If any of you recieve an email like this, or similar, as I seem to have received around 10 today, offering millions of dollars from various sources. Please report them to the FBI at the Internet Crime Complaint Center. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas
Flag of Diana Briere

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Re: This Scammer deserves to be hung!
1/19/2006 4:53:54 PM
Thanks Anthony, and for a place to report to. I get lots of simular emails but not that one yet.I send them all to the scam alert and they take care of it from there. Most go to my junk mail but some get through. Most are You Won The Lottery and some are dignataries trying to filter money through our country. I report them all. Thanks for the information on this one From Diana http;//
Re: This Scammer deserves to be hung!
1/19/2006 4:57:34 PM
Dear Anthony, If you can, you should go to your message options and choose "View Message Source" and copy and paste that in your report. They need the header tags in order to identify where the message originate from, as usually the identity is masked. I don't ever fall for these, but I did get gouged for $90 last month. A woman ordered a necklace, her payment was cleared, and as soon as he received his order, the MAN that ordered it and pretended to be a woman in his emails cancelled the credit card payment. Not only was I out the necklace that I handcrafted, I was out the express mail charge and StormPay's chargeback fee! I now know better than to express mail to anyone who is not NETIBA certified. I suppose if I had a real shop with real customers, I'd be compaining about the shoplifters, lol. Take Care,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
Re: This Scammer deserves to be hung!
1/19/2006 5:02:13 PM
Hi Diana, Good for you! Report every single scam, con, phising email you get. I know it's easier to just delete these emails, & any with attachments, you should, as they carry viruses, also NEVER click on any hyperlinks in these emails, as they are normally viruses too. Saying that, the more of these emails that are reported to the appropriate authorities, the more chance that something will be done about it. We are all fed up of getting these emails. If we all sent them to the authorities, do you think that after the first 1,000,000 or so complaints from honest Internet users, that maybe something will get done about this Internet 'curse'? Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Flag of Donna Lira

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Re: This Scammer deserves to be hung!
1/19/2006 5:11:41 PM
Hi Anthony, Thank you for your invite to your forum. How disgusting and insensitive these scammers can be, to prey on disasters. Dispictiable. Thanks for the heads up! Your friend Donna aka texgirl

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