From "Los Desastres de la Guerra" ("The Disasters of War")
 Francisco de Goya - No llegan a tiempo ("They do not arrive in time") (1)(Plate 52, 1812-1814)

Francisco de Goya - ¿De qué sirve una taza? ("What good is a cup?") (2)(Plate 59, 1812-1814)
Francisco de Goya - No hay quien los socorra ("There is no one to help them") (3) (Plate 60, 1812-1814)
Francisco de Goya - Las camas de la muerte ("The beds of death") (4) (Plate 62, 1812-1814)
(1) Two women, one with a child in her arms, huddle behind the ruins of a building to lay a third woman to rest in the ground.
(2) Two starving women lie on the ground, one near death while a third kneels by their side and offers a cup to the dying woman.
(3) On a hillside, three women lie dead and a lone figure weeps in mournful grief.
(4) A woman walks past dozens of wrapped bodies awaiting burial.