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Phillip Black

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RE: Saving Signature Codes
8/26/2013 2:06:16 PM

Hi Ken & All,

Just to add my two cents worth, for whatever good it might do, if you'll notice my Signature line for a moment please. It doesn't promote anything except the one person who means the most to my life, today and always, my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. At the end of our Journey through Life, He is the only one that truly matters and our relationship with Him is all that is important as we take our final breaths. Will we be Smiling, looking forward to a Glorious Reunion up in Heaven, like my Blessed Grandmother was when I was at her bedside while she crossed over back in 1975, prepared to meet her Savior at Heaven's golden gates, or shaking in fear and staring at our feet, as we feel the flames of Hell nipping at our toes, like the unfortunate young man who died on a blanket in my lap, after a fatal wreck one evening over in Burlington, NC, back in 1971. The choice is yours. No one else can make it for you, but I hope and pray that you make the right one, because I would love to finally meet several of you all someday, when we all get together up there in Heaven. Now, as Preacher Steve would say, "That's enough preachin' for now, let's get on with the business at hand.".

Ken, I just stopped by to say that I appreciate your Post, not that I understand any of it, but I appreciate your efforts. As long as you are participating, you are a vital part of the Community here at Adland, and I, for one, applaud your contribution. As for any hot winds that may be blown up your hind quarters by a self-appointed "expert", always remember, "ex" means former, and a "spurt" is a drip under pressure, so the true definition of an "expert" is a "former drip under pressure". There are very good reasons why certain "experts" are banned from my Forums and Blocked from my Circle of over 4,000+ Plus Friends here at Adland.

Just keep a positive attitude, do what you feel that you must do each day, and always remember to Thank Him for the opportunity of another day to serve Him.

Have A Blessed Week My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Ken Wolff

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RE: Saving Signature Codes
8/27/2013 1:25:34 AM
Thank you all for your comments. Diane first of all for your starting something...LOL! You started me thinking. That can be dangerous I know. I probably was not thinking when I posted the signature code which is my own in such a public place. Now that I have given it some though it brings to mind a wall discussion about saving discussions where we can find them. I think Mark made the best suggestion in that discussion as the option of saving things to a file.

You are right Mark, this was all about me. I am most often all about everybody else. When I put banners and links in my signature file it is to recommend something that I think is a great value that I am sharing with others. I will try to help you understand Mark but not sure that I will be able to. I may need Phil's help....No I may need God's help. I know that I do not always say what I mean. I can easily be misunderstood...I think we all can.

My daily prayer and I repeat it often in times of stressis"...God help me with everything I think, do, and say." In that same line I may say "...God help me to not think, act, and say things that are not in harmony with your will."

I am not going to get defensive or apologies for being involved with affiliate marketing. I do it because I enjoy it and like building downlines in a lot of different programs. I do not promote any program that I do not feel will be a benefit to everyone who participates. Like Diane, and I think many others here, I do have a primary business that includes a clause in the Privileges and Responsibilities that you can not be in another business. I do not have a problem in obtaining a small commission here and there to offset the cost of some of what I do. I have paid a lot more to Adlandpro for example than I have ever received in commission. In fact my commission total has not reach the $35.00 that is necessary to withdraw the commission. If at any point I start making more than I am spending in any program I will donate that to charity. I have already said that publicly and am committed to it.

Enough about that.

I was surprised to when I saw Diane's response but very much appreciated it. I am still not totally clear on what to do if anything with that sig. code; keep it with the "nofollow" in. Is it OK to take it out? Which is better?

Mark, rather than change the name of this thread I could just delete it and save the codes to a file. However, I originally found help with signatures in The Learning Center and do hope that you do more on that as it is something that a lot of people need help with. It is one of the most difficult things to do here.


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Phillip Black

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RE: Saving Signature Codes
8/27/2013 2:57:10 AM

Thanks Ken,

I appreciate your thoughtful and seemingly very well considered response. We'll both be praying tonight for better understanding.

For whatever it matters, I also do extensive Affiliate Marketing and I promote them all over the Web, and do relatively well with it, although I do very little promoting here at Adland. Most of what I've seen here over the years here are "get-rich quick" schemes or 2x2 Matrixes that mathematically simply can never work. There's really nothing wrong with them, but then again, there's nothing wrong with throwing your money away on the Lottery either, if that gives you a thrill. It's not my thing, but whatever floats your boat, I always say. What little promoting that I do here at Adland is with links in my Forum Posts. That way, there's no pressure, but if someone happens to click on them and buys a little and I make a few cents, then I'm happy and I appreciate it and usually I let them know with a Personal note.

I apologize for getting "preachy"earlier, however, I will never apologize for sharing my love of Jesus. I can't help myself, it rolls around there in my Heart, my Saviors warm and all forgiving Love, and whenever the need arises, it bubbles out, and I have to share my love of Jesus with whomever I'm talking with at the time.

For example, on Saturday we were over at the Waffle House in Winston Salem, NC, business was slow, the Waitress happened to mention that she was new in town and didn't have a Church home as of yet, so naturally, for the next 30 minutes or so, we talked about our mutual love of Jesus and where there was a Church which she could attend over there in Winston Salem. I'll follow up with a call this week to see how she's doing.

Well I'm getting preachy again, so I better go for now. Have a wonderful week and thanks again for sharing this with us all.

Have A Terrific Evening,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Mr. D

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RE: Saving Signature Codes
9/3/2013 9:56:45 AM

I almost thought you wanted to say something and talk about signature codes.

Don't worry, I removed all post. Sorry I interfered with your promotions.

Ken Wolff

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RE: Saving Signature Codes
10/4/2013 8:24:23 PM
Hi again Phil and hello Mark!

No need for apologies here unless it is me. Sorry I did not get back to both of you sooner. Like you Phil I am all over the Internet with my promotions of affiliate marketing. I do it here in Adlandpro also but in all places it is not for the money. I give any profits that I get from any and all of my affiliate programs to the favorite charity of the person generating the profit, or to my favorite charity:

OurHouseFoundation .org

I do appreciate your love for Jesus Phil. I have a deep appreciation for all religions accept where some say that you have to be in this one or that one in order to get to heaven. I love the Bible Prophecy Study Course that I am involved with every day in the FaithfulHits traffic exchange. I actually earn a few cents there every day. You get a nickel from every 450 pages viewed if you are paying attention.

There is a very reasonable lifetime upgrade which allows you to auto-surf. It works great for me as I am always multitasking. Every 90 pages is followed by a Bible Prophecy Study Question. If you miss a page you can go back about 40 pages and pick it up.

Mark! This thread was started to save signature files so that when you change them if you want to go back to one you had before you could find it here. You made some great suggestions on saving things that you want in a file and I have since done that.

The editor tools that we have here for forum post and messages are totally awesome. I like using them to stay organized and find things when I need them.

Now here is one that nobody is talking about. Let say you want to direct traffic to the latest post in a forum. You go to the forum and copy the URL in the browser. Here is an example:

It takes you to the top of that page, instead of the latest post that you want. However if you edit the URL with this
: latest=True#latestpost

You get to where you want to go. Don't tell anybody because I would not like to see this change. It does something even better. It bypasses the ad that you see at the top of any thread that you go to.

So whether you save it in a capture image file or in a forum post save it somewhere that you can find it when you need it.


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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