Hi Jim,..Let's try this again
First off apologies if I'm getting overly sensitive to things being said..it serves no useful purpose and helps no one
To answer your question
I would use both programs in different ways.
First off if I had my own blog and was keeping it active with content, I would definitely use the affiliate program, because every niche needs advertising.
The pros to using the program is that it is passive by nature. You add a code and your done. The cons to the program is that if you do not keep people coming to your blog,via content and sharing your blog..people will not come to your blog..exclamation mark.
The community affiliate program is an easy way to share your forums, the "wall", exchange, feed or whatever name you use. With the community affiliate program, you can share ADLANDPRO on any social venue and is a great way to highlight the community of this site.
When you use both systems in a productive, efficient and planned manner, you will overtime that you can produce results