Quote: So far I see no one is finding it complicated for the AdlandPro Affiliate Program.?
That sounds more like a statement than a question Mark!
I am sorry that I am holding fast to my belief that the Affiliate Program in Adlandpro is complicated. I have spent a lot of time trying to explain how it could be so much simpler.
I would like for those who find it simple to give examples of what they are doing to have success in simple terms that even I can understand. We have had some nice graphics displayed over the past year. Where are they now. Can anyone find them and use them?
We probably do have some affiliates that are having success but they are not saying what it is that is working. I have shown in several forums that I have what I am doing to attract people from other communities.
 On the Home page under the Community Tab you can click on Credits, and You can view the top earners here to find out who's ahead this month. Then click on the referral tab see who is having success.
I am not even on the list so I guess it would not be a good idea fro me to share what I am doing.
Oh how the time flies when you are having fun...it is already 2marO.
Hi Ken,
Are you referring to credit builder. If yes, than credit builder is not officially affiliate program. It is a component where you can earn prizes and credit points for advertising.
Hi Bogdan!
Thanks for asking.
I only referred to the credit builder as a place to see who is attracting members to Adlandpro.
 There are 3 pages of Adlandpro members who have brought in referrals so far this month. Some of these people I do not even know. Bringing members to Adlandpro is a good thing. I will make a point of getting in touch with my friend Susan Norrad and congratulating here on attracting 69 new referrals this month and inviting her her to share her strategies for success!
Ken, I really appreciate you bringing up this topic and be assured that I will be working on simplifying some of the processes once we come to some common ground.
The list of people you are showing here is the recent implementation of credit builder component (this has never been meant as part of the affiliate program, although touches on it).
People you are seeing here are those who sponsored new members to community through affiliate links which are only meant for community component. People can use those links without actually joining our affiliate program. We did this to encourage sponsoring community membership by those who use community as their main reason here. The links to sponsor this kind of members are found here and this doesn't require joining our program, yet it has benefits of the affiliate program.
Also if you share any of the content of community, eg. forum post, wall post, picture on pinterest, this is how you get shown in this list and earn credits within the credit builder component.
These are not by any means all Adlandpro affiliates, who sponsored new members this month. There is no actually such global public list. Maybe it is time to create such list and even do some contest.
This was don in an attempt to get more people involved who don't use our original affiliate program and only get involved on the community level.
Susan Norad, happens to be an affiliate who is from the begging part of this program and one of the strongest and most consistent affiliates. She gets check every month as I recall.