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Dave Cottrell

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What do You Find Complicated about the Adlandpro Affiliate Program?
8/20/2013 5:02:23 AM
Greetings everyone. This is a very informal thread to see what affiliates are saying about the Adlandpro Affiliate program.

Several people have made comments on the wall about it being complicated.

  1. Do you find it complicated?
  2. If yes, what do you find complicated?
  3. Again, if yes, what would make it less complex for you?
  4. If you could change anything with the Adlandpro Affiliate program, what would you change?
Your input is always valuable.


Ken Wolff

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RE: What do You Find Complicated about the Adlandpro Affiliate Program?
8/20/2013 7:09:03 AM
Thanks Dave for introducing this subject.

I want to say there is a lot about the Adlandpro affiliate program that I love! Some of it however is hard for me to find. It may be that there is just too much information available too quick. I will be making some specific suggestions soon.

It is almost midnight here and I have a lot of other stuff I need to do before I get some sleep and get up early in the morning.

I came here to introduce this new subject but was glad to see that you already did that Dave. I do hope that others will join in this discussion here and ask questions, make comments, give their testimonials of how they are using the affiliate program.

I hope to learn a lot.

Just one more thing before I go. I would love to see a very simple introduction to the affiliate program. Make it simple to sign up. Give them an affiliate link at the top. Add graphic Banners, Personalized Splash Pages, and some suggested emails they can customize and send to their friends and followers.

More suggestions coming soon, and I am looking forward to input from others.


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Diane Bjorling

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RE: What do You Find Complicated about the Adlandpro Affiliate Program?
8/20/2013 5:42:51 PM
Good morning Dave, Ken and anyone else reading.

Number one I want to thank you for getting this discussion going as I feel it is very important especially after yesterdays comments on a wall status.

I have to be honest and say that this is a very complicated affiliate program that I feel would be difficult for people to promote properly and well.

I love the fact that there are so many features and ways people can be rewarded by being an affiliate, but it would be very hard to be able to talk about all the features etc to the everyday person.

By design I feel that any affiliate program has to think of the people who are promoting by giving simple and easy language ( with additional training involved to show people all the features and then help them learn how to engage with others to talk with some authority about this program)

For me and this is me reading everything over and over again and still getting a bit lost in those details, I would love it to be said something like

Adlandpro ...a free online classified business with the added bonus of an active social network where you can make money a variety of ways - learn more about this program ....[then rewrite the affiliate program so that it is easy to understand, using point form for the benefits always with the mind that you want people to upgrade]

The point to the whole exercise is to get people to PAY and upgrade.

If I am understanding any of this there is the classified section where people can make money when they upgrade that ad and everything is listed here

I am speaking my thoughts here and I am sure they seem random, I guess what I am trying to say is that for people to promote something, they need a good sound understanding and then make life easier for them!

I have also noted and not for the first time..people don't always want the banners etc. they want just an affiliate link and this should be at the top of the tools ( not resources) so that people can talk as they will ( keeping in mind the rules)

Not sure I have helped, but these are my thoughts at this point


Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: What do You Find Complicated about the Adlandpro Affiliate Program?
8/20/2013 6:19:00 PM
I want to tune in here but not really influence the discussion by mostly address some of the issue brought by Diane.

At the top of the page there is menu item.

Affiliate pointing to

That seem to be clear what the purpose of this section is.

Once you access this page, you are asked to check box at the bottom that you agree to terms and conditions and you are asked to fill out short form and answer several questions.

When you finish the form you are send an email with affiliate link and asked to place it somewhere on the blog or website to be approved as an affiliate.
When this is done and if some visitors click on this link, we are notified and we approve the page.

After that you can access some of the menu items on the left to see additional options.

There is there explained link under affiliate basic banner. Clicking on this link will gives you instructions on how to place small banner or just text link.

The are more options there but this is just the basics. You don't need to do anything else.

If you want to advertise specific program, you need to click link Affiliate Resources

When you click this you will see list of all products we offer.

Within that, each product has link wit Overview, link code, and pre-written sales letter in two formats, plain text and html.

There are more resources within My account section where there are tracking stats.

Diane Bjorling

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RE: What do You Find Complicated about the Adlandpro Affiliate Program?
8/20/2013 6:31:25 PM
Hi Bogdan and agreed on everything you are saying, but ( I always seem to have a but lol)
Many people want to be able to give out a referral link and I can understand their reasoning in terms of creating their own unique twitter message, FB message etc. this would be extremely useful for folks. Many people do not have a site nor a blog to put banner ads on as an example, so this would be a great tool for people to get them to refer to something ( whether it be one service or all products. Can this be accomplished?

As said to me its kind of easy..but this is also a very complicated affiliate program in terms that there are so many products and services..its hard for people to know what is what and what to do.

To my way of thinking..if we can make things more simple and easy, then people will want to be an affiliate. I also feel that we need to be training people to know the products services inside and out and help them learn how to answer any questions that might be asked..the biggest one to me is... why upgrade and why pay..the "whats in it for me" is always the first thought for a person who is spending money..

A simple example to upgrading on the community is the more benefits a person has from more forums and other things people can do. These type of things need to be stressed.

I am not an expert and everyone knows this..but this is the type of thing I would want to hear.

All I am trying to really do is help by giving ideas and thoughts to issues and then creating some workable solutions.

I know of other programs that operate under the freemium model..that people are limited with free..and are encouraged to upgrade on a consistent basis...just food for thought.

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