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Town Bonfire
7/27/2013 11:01:52 AM
Day two of French Days festivities. Last night was the town bonfire. French representatives speak and talk about how happy and proud they are with the connection with Iceland, and Faskrudsfirdi in particular. Everyone gathers on the hill and there are singers, fire performers, and fireworks, but because of fog the past few days it was postponed, as well as the fire performers, but the sing a long was a lot of fun as usual. More to upload later!2013-07-26 22.45.22.jpg2013-07-26 22.18.47.jpg2013-07-26 22.36.59.jpg2013-07-26 22.18.47.jpg2013-07-26 22.18.47.jpg2013-07-26 22.45.42.jpg
CHRISTOPHER M SHADDOCK Wellness Enthusiast/Budding Entrepreneur
RE: Town Bonfire
7/27/2013 11:08:04 AM
Hmmm going to have to redo this and shrink the pics.
2013-07-26 22.45.22.jpg2013-07-26 22.45.42.jpg2013-07-26 22.18.47.jpg2013-07-26 22.34.49.jpg2013-07-26 22.36.59.jpg
CHRISTOPHER M SHADDOCK Wellness Enthusiast/Budding Entrepreneur
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Town Bonfire
7/27/2013 5:33:33 PM

It's not easy. We seem to have a picture sizing problem.

