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Jim Allen

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RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
7/31/2013 10:53:18 PM

U.S.A. The Republic

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PDF The Anti-Government Movement Guidebook

There is a movement afoot in this country today that is made up of disaffected and often dispossessed Americans who are seeking a better way through a wholesale return to their view of the past. This movement has been called many things: the antigovernment movement, the sovereignty movement, and the common law courts movement. Regardless of the name attached to the beliefs and the people who follow them, one common denominator exists: a feeling of despair, rooted in personal and pecuniary loss, and manifested in a new, defiant mistrust and spite for the ways of the current government. This guide focuses on the ways in which followers of these movements impact the operation of our state court systems.

PDF Citizen's Rule Book (Duty of the Jury)

The purpose of this booklet is to revive, as Jefferson put it, “The Ancient Principles.” It is not designed to promote lawlessness or a return to the jungle. The “Ancient Principles” refer to theTen Commandments and the Common Law. The Common Law is, in simple terms, just plain common sense and has its roots in the Ten Commandments.

PDF Woe Unto You Lawyers

A lusty, gusty attack on "The Law" as a curious, antiquated institution which, through outworn procedures, technical jargon and queer mummery, enables a group of medicine-men to dominate our social and political lives and our business, to their own gain.

Sound Jurisdictional Warfare (Audio Recording)

Do you know what three things a judge has to do before he can acquire jurisdiction over you? Do you know what you can do to prevent the courts from acquiring jurisdiction? This recording will give you the answers to these questions.

This recording is presented in "Adobe Flash Player" format and the file is very large. If you would like to save a recording, the only thing you can do is plug an audio recorder into you computer's external speaker output - Sorry.

The name of the narrator is unknown.

The BAR Card

What do you know of the BAR Association? This short article exposé's the BAR for its criminal acts and how it is destroying the rights of the People and their Constitutional government.


Plea in Abatements respond to the majority of imperial powers paperwork - head on. When written and served properly, they have been very successful at stopping imperial suits - before they get started. Plea in Abatements have the force and effect of an indictment and/or a civil case or suit. When a Defendant does not answer a Plea in Abatement, a Default (properly written and served) becomesRes Judicata, (i.e., final judgment has been made.).

When properly served with Default, they are a Public Record of wrong doing, and as such, can be used by the abating Demandant (the one who serves the Abatement) in further actions against imperial powers fiduciaries (agents, bureaucrats, judges, etc.), such as Trespass on Case.

Mortgage Fraud

The Great Banking Deception

In order for any contract to be valid, there must be 'full disclosure,' 'good faith,' 'valuable consideration,' and 'clean hands.' Here is what the banks advertise: "Come to our bank. We have money to loan." Is this really what happens?

Mortgage Fraud New

When you entered into a loan contract with a bank, you signed a note or contract promising to pay the bank back, and you agreed to provide collateral that the bank could seize if you did not repay the loan. This contract supposedly qualified you to receive the bank's money. But did the bank provide 'full disclosure' of all of the terms of this agreement? Read and decide for yourself if the bank was acting in 'good faith', that you received 'valuable consideration', and that your 'signature' on that agreement is valid.

The Washington Times [Outside Page Link] New

Mass. Court rules against Banks in pivotal mortgage case. The highest Court in Massachusetts ruled againstU.S. Bancorp and Wells Fargo & Co. Friday (01/07/11) in a widely watched mortgage foreclosure case that could have serious implications for the Nation's largest Banks.

PDF How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash
Confiscating Agency Known To Man

Mary Elizabeth: Croft shows us the fruad used in today's money and how to turn the fraud around to our benefit.

Vattel - Law of Nations

National law is more a moral than a legal science. Law is a rule of action prescribed by competentauthority. Moreover, all Law implies some sanction to enforce it. Now National law is that which defines and regulates the social duties of Nation to Nation. Where then is the authority that prescribes such duties, and where the sanction that enforces them? To find these we must go back to the individual Man, and see whether such duties appertain to him; by what authority, and with what sanctions.

Treason in Government! Admiralty on Land!! Where's the Water? [outside page link]

"Barefoot's World" is an Internet website that has many interesting Articles which I would like to encourage you to visit. This Article of Admiralty Law is very well written and it explains why we no longer own our home or have any Courts of Law that is founded upon the Common Law. This is a must read Article.

PDF Conversation With A Marriage License Bureau

This is a very interesting transcript of an interview with an employee of a State Marriage License Bureau. This conversation exposes the Marriage License as a Contract that cannot be broken with the State and grants the State absolute authority over your family and your property.

Commercial Liens

The commercial lien, which is authorized both by the common law and by Title 15 of theUnited States Code (USC), is reportedly the same lien the IRS uses to take Americans' homes and cars. However, some pro se litigants do not depend upon Title 15, but upon the common law of negotiable instruments (a.k.a. Commercial Law).

As such, it's almost impossible to remove a commercial lien without the approval of the individual claimant who filed the lien. Although a commercial lien can be challenged by a court at common law or by a 7th Amendment jury trial, it does not require a court process or a court judgment for its establishment, validity, or execution. Therefore, it appears that the courts may not be able to simply extinguish this lien on their own discretion (or on motion from the lien debtors) without the voluntary approval of the person who filed the lien.

Traditionally, these liens can only be removed by the voluntary decision of the person who filed the lien, by the decision of a constitutional jury trial at common law, or by waiting 99 or 100 years. Since the common law has been smothered in the U.S.A., all judges are essentially powerless to overcome the liens.

Memorandum of Law on the Name (HTML Format)

PDF Memorandum of Law on the Name (Acrobat PDF Format)

Many people are involved in diligent research concerning the use of all capital letters for proper names, e.g., JOHN PAUL JONES as a substitute for John Paul Jones in all court documents, driver's licenses, bank accounts, birth certificates, etc.. Is the use of all capital letters to designate a name some special English grammar rule or style? Is it a contemporary American style of English? Is the use of this form of capitalization recognized by educational authorities? Is this an official judicial or U.S. government rule and/or style of grammar? Why do attorneys, court clerks, prosecutors judges, insurance companies, banks, credit card companies, utility companies, etc. always use all capital letters when writing a proper name?

The UCC Connection

This is a slightly condensed, casually paraphrased transcript of tapes of a seminar given in 1990 by Howard Freeman. It was prepared to make available the knowledge and experience of Mr. Freeman in his search for an accessible and understandable explanation of the confusing state of the government and the courts. It should be helpful to those who may have difficulty learning from such lectures, or those who want to develop a deeper understanding of this information without having to listen to three or four hours of recorded material.

Devvy Kidd's Power Page [Outside Page Link]

Here is a Power Page that is loaded with information. Mrs. Devvy Kidd has been a guest on more than 1,000 radio shows and countless personal speaking appearances. Devvy ran for Congress in 1994 & 1996. She has a 90-minute video titled, "What Congress and the Media Won't Tell You." Mrs. Devvy Kidd is also the author of four other published books dealing with construction financing and government systems.

Hiding Behind the BAR

In the U.S., they're collectively called everything from "attorney" to "lawyer" to "counselor." Are these terms truly equivalent, or has the identity of one been mistaken for another? What exactly is a "Licensed BAR Attorney?" This credential accompanies every legal paper produced by attorneys - along with a State Bar License number. As we are about to show you, an "attorney" is not a "lawyer," yet the average American improperly interchanges these words as if they represent the same occupation, and the average American attorney unduly accepts the honor to be called "lawyer" when he is not.

Trial by Jury

LYSANDER SPOONER tells us that for more than six hundred years - that is, since Magna Carta, in 1215 - there has been no clearer principle of English or American constitutional law, than that, in criminal cases, it is not only the right and duty of juries to judge what are the facts, what is the law, and what was the moral intent of the accused; but that it is also their right, and their primary and paramount duty, to judge of the justice of the law, and to hold all laws invalid, that are, in their opinion, unjust or oppressive, and all persons guiltless in violating, or resisting the execution of, such laws. This is the full essay on Trial by Jury at common law that was written by Lysander Spooner in the year of 1852.

PDF The Secret Of The Special Maritime Jurisdiction

A brief dissertation exposing the true nature and cause of modern criminal accusations by Valiant Liberty.

PDF Handbook of American Constitutional Law

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

PDF Background Studies To American Law

The United States government became the conqueror and all states in the Union were thus reformed as Franchisees of the Federal Corporation. The key to when the states became Federal Franchisees is related to the date when such states enacted the Field Code in law.

Constitutional Laws and Criminal Procedure [Outside Page Link]

Aizman Law Firm (Criminal Defense Practice) brings us an overview of the U.S. Constitution, theBill of Rights, and "Rulings" of the U.S. Supreme Court. What is helpful are the several Internet Links that Aizman Law Firm provides to further our understanding of the Laws of the United States and theU.S. Constitution.

Legal System v. Law System

Their trade is deceit. There is a difference between 'lawful' and 'legal'. "Lawful" contemplates the 'spirit of the law' and is embodied in the moral and ethical consideration of rendering unto each man his due. "Legal" is the 'form of the law' and merely means that it is written down someplace. It is quite possible for something to be "legal" and still be totally unlawful. This is a excellent study of the present day courts of the United States.

Opinion of Judge Black, November 20, 1860

Judge Black submits a Legal Opinion declaring that the use of the military upon any of the States of the Union exceeds the Constitutional authority of the President of the United States. For to bring the military of the United States against a State is to expel that State from the Union.

PDF The Case of "Newdow v. Congress"

This is the infamous case of Newdow v. Congress wherein the federal judges of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that it was unconstitutional for children to recite the "Pledge of Allegiance" in public schools.

PDF The Case of "Stratemyer v. Hancock Insurance Company"

Eugene Stratemyer gives us a legal argument on the supremacy of Land Patents over any enactment of Corporate laws of any State.

Modern Robber Barons

Robber baron is defined in Webster’s as an American capitalist of the latter part of the 19th century who became wealthy through exploitation (as of natural resources, governmental influence, or low wage scales). Today we have a new class of these robber barons which are called "corporations."

A corporation is a legal fiction; it doesn’t exist. Yes, it exists materially, but it is enshrouded in a blanket of deceit called “corporate veil.” The “United States” is a corporation for remuneration (for profit), and so are all the States, federal and otherwise, and all of their counties, parishes, cities, towns, and other subdivisions. Under the Clearfield Doctrine, derived from the 1943 Supreme Court Decision in Clearfield Trust, et al. vs. United States, (328 U.S. 363, 318), the court ruled, in essence, that when a government reduces itself to a corporate status, it becomes merely another corporation, having no more nor less standing than all other corporations. The good town in which we live, shop, and support, therefore, belongs to we the people materially, but we are “governed” by the new breed or robber baron as defined above.

The Mark of the Beast

We are living in a period of time where nearly everyone in the world has been assigned a number. Every Nation that has a national debt is required by their multinational creditors to track taxpayers' income. As you will soon find out, treaties with multinational authorities require the United States and other governments to issue Social Security numbers. This treatise is well documented, not only from the perspective of the Holy Bible, but by the laws and court cases of the United States. Be sure to study the "Appendixes" for the law as it applies to the United States.

An IRS Attorney's Opinion

An Attorney, representing employees of an IRS Regional Office, writes a Treatise regarding the taxing of wages, salaries, and first time commissions. This attorney provides you with defenses, law origin and authorities, how to handle a jury trial, how to handle your own defense, discussion of law, unacceptable defenses, tax evasion and willful failure to file issues. This is a must read Treatise.

The Truth as I see it [Outside Page Link]

Both concurrently exist today. The corporate system has been gaining predominance in the last 70 years. Many Sovereigns have contracted with the corporate system unknowingly, unintentionally, and or without full disclosure. Which one do you want for yourself and your posterity? Once you know the difference, you may have to make a decision for yourself, your family, and your posterity. That decision may require changes in how you do things. You may have to undo what has been done and make your Sovereign status known. This is not taught in government schools, because they do not want you to know this. They want power and control over the masses they call "Human Resources."

Invisible Contracts

George Mercier introduces us to the "Invisible Contracts" that connect us to the Internal Revenue Laws of the United States. This is a very intense study of "Contract Law" that everyone needs to study, especially if you decide that the Internal Revenue Laws don't apply to you. To return to this menu page, use your web browser "Back " button.

PDF Really? Invisible Contracts?

This is a rebuttal paper to George Mercier's understanding of "Invisible Contracts."

PDF Wetlands

Many people have had their private property classified as "Wetlands" by the U.S. Department of Environmental Protection Agency. Under such a classification, you cannot develop your property without going through years of permit applications and concessions. Enclosed is a "legal brief" challenging the government's authority to regulate private property within the State of Alaska as "Wetlands."

Legal Briefs On The Right To Travel

Can the state require you to obtain a drivers' license or insurance to operate a vehicle on the public right-of-ways? The answer may be found in two "Legal Briefs' on your right to travel.

PDF Court Jurisdiction Challenged - Right To Drive Car

An individual was given a traffic citation for driving a car without a driver license. He wrote a letter to the Court challenging jurisdiction and followed up the letter with his appearance in the Courtroom. He did not cross the "Bar" (railing seperating the audience from the judge's bench) nor did he sit at the Defendant's table, but standing within the audience, he informed the Judge that the Court had no jurisdiction over him and he was waiting for a written letter stating Court's asserted jurisdictional authority and then he walked out of the Courtroom. Several years have passed since his visit to the Court and he is still driving without a driver license. His identity has been removed from the letter for privacy purposes.

PDF The Posse Comitatus Act and the United States Army New

Anytime the use of U.S. Armed Forces in support of civil authorities is considered, government and military leaders, pundits, and citizens reflexively turn to the Posse Comitatus Act for guidance. Since 9/11, the U.S. Armed Forces face an increased likelihood that they will be called on to participate in actions typically viewed as civil matters. Many have also called for an increased role for the U.S. Armed Forces in responding to natural disasters. Though many constitutional provisions, laws, and legal rulings govern this question, in the minds of many, the Posse Comitatus Act has prominence. Most individuals think they know what the Posse Comitatus Act allows and disallows; most of them are wrong.

Nazi Gun Law in the United States

Do you own a gun? Did you register it? Are the Gun Registration Laws in the United States patterned after the Nazi Gun Laws of the 1930's? Enclosed are two Articles on Nazi Gun Control Laws as they are applied to the United States.

PDF Taking Away Firearms

Have you ever wondered why Congress wants to take away your firearms? Go to your local law library and ask the librarian to show you where the books for the United States Code are shelved. There are 25 books in the set and they are reddish-brown in color. Within Volume Nine you will find the answer in P.L. 87-297.

The Becraft Briefs [Outside Page Link]

The briefs and other legal materials which you find here are those which cover subjects which Attorney Larry Becraft believe are of interest to the concerned American. In reference to the"federal jurisdiction" materials, Mr. Becraft first read tons of cases dealing with the issue and then compiled summaries of them; from that, Mr. Becraft composed the brief utilizing only a small number of the researched cases. The money issue is one of his favorites, and he drafted the brief which appears here back in the early 80's. The brief regarding Fifth Amendment protection for personal financial records has its origins back in the early 80's and over time, whenever he ran across a case which should be included, he simply inserted the cite. The remaining briefs cover several different topics.

Who Is Running America?

Under the doctrine of Parens Patriae, "Government As Parent," as a result of the manipulated bankruptcy of the United States of America in 1930, all the assets of the American people, their person, and of our country itself are held by the Depository Trust Corporation at 55 Water Street, NY, NY, secured by UCC Commercial Liens, which are then monetized as "debt money" by the Federal Reserve. It may interest you to know that under the umbrella of theDepository Trust Corporation lies the Federal Reserve Corporation and the American Bar Association, the legal arm of the banking interests.

Liberty - Your Right To Make A Living

Part 1. COURT PROCEDURE/ DUE PROCESS The methodology used by the federal courts and the Department of Justice to prevent any legal challenge to the income tax from being brought before the court in income tax cases is presented. The method, in violation of our most basic constitutional right, has consistently been held to void any claim of jurisdiction in cases where the plaintiff is other than the Internal Revenue Service.

Part 2. LIBERTY---THE RIGHT TO MAKE A LIVING A citizen's Right to Liberty secured by the Constitution has been repeatedly adjudicated to include the right to pursue a livelihood, and such fundamental constitutional rights are not suitable objects for taxation.

Part 3. SPRINGER, POLLOCK, 16th AMENDMENT The three items consistently claimed to adjudicate/authorize a tax on wages and salaries are reviewed and it is concluded they have been misrepresented for decades in what appears to be blatant fraud. The income tax imposed on an individual's wages or salary is a bald faced sham without any claim to acceptable legal adjudication.

Part 4. MOTION TO DISMISS §7203 INDICTMENT A generic motion to dismiss for failure to state a cause of action in a willful failure to file case is based on the legal issues in Part 1. Reference books are identified for edification.

Part 5. HABEAS CORPUS/ CORUM NOBIS The motion in Part 4 is reworked and expanded into an academic post conviction relief for a willful failure to file conviction. Reference material and procedural guidelines are offered.

Part 6. CORAM NOBIS Is there any way to challenge a conviction on a willful failure to file charge after completion of sentence to remove probation requirements/restrictions, eliminate payment of court imposed fines, restore voting rights and gun ownership, remove a public stigma, improve employment and credit potential, etc.? Using the legal issues of Part 1 and the analysis of Parts 4 and 5, the answer appears to be ‘Yes’ and without any filing fee involved.

Tax Cases

Herein is an index of several tax cases that were ruled upon in Federal Courts. These tax cases are listed so that you may be better informed when preparing your own case.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
7/31/2013 11:04:20 PM

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Many people have known for a long time that the media is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the government and big business much, if not most, of the time. But they used to viciously deny it, if they addressed such accusations at all. The people who claimed that this was going on were laughed at and ridiculed as “tin foil hat” wearing buffoons. But now, suddenly, out of the blue, they openly admit that they were only regurgitating talking points given to them by the government itself.

The disturbing fact is, that the government tells the news what to tell you and the media does just that. So if the government is covering up anything or lying to the media, you will never know (if you get your information from mainstream media).

The sad, disturbing and disgusting fact is that the people who most dismiss as rabid conspiracy theorists are really some of the only people willing to do investigative journalism these days. They may not have everything right and they may go too far sometimes, but at least they are trying to figure out what your government is trying to cover up and lie to you about, which is more than we can say for most of the media. - KRISTEN WATTS

Media Now Openly Admitting The Government Controls the News

by Alexander Higgins on May 18, 2013

A trio of Obama scandals has forced the corporate media to admit its own reports are nothing more than the government-controlled talking points and not the product of a free and open press.

If you have been following the news lately you’ll notice there are 3 government scandals that the media is focusing on 1) The DOJ spying on the AP reporters 2) Benghazi gate 3) IRS targeting of activist groups.
While each of these are truly a damning indictment of the widespread corruption in our now gone rogue federal government, combing these three stories reveals an even bigger story which is recurring open admission by the media that the news they report is being controlled by the government.
These three scandals have led the media to rebel against the Obama administration in a way that it has not done in the past while at the same time forcing the media to admit some damning facts about the way news is truly originated in America.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
8/1/2013 8:38:57 PM


Defunding: The Framers’ Remedy for Presidential Lawlessness

Obama’s unconstitutional actions have forced Congress’s hand.

Two weeks ago, the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee voted to strip the scandal ridden Internal Revenue Service of nearly one quarter of its 2014 budget as punishment for its targeting of political groups and its costly boondoggles. Shockingly, Senate Democrats voted to increase the IRS’s budget.

Last week, numerous Republicans in both houses of Congress threatened to cut off all funding for the federal government as of October 1, in response to President Obama’s unconstitutional stance that he can pick and choose which parts of Obamacare he will implement.

On July 3, the Obama administration disclosed that it would not implement Obamacare’s employer mandate on January 1, 2014, though the law says the mandate “shall” go into effect that day. The administration pretended it was no big deal. But it violates the law and affects 10 million currently uninsured or underinsured workers whose employers would have been subject to the mandate. The cost of insuring these workers is shifted from employers to taxpayers, who foot the bill for subsidized insurance on the new Obamacare exchanges. At an average cost of $5,290 per subsidized enrollee, according to the Congressional Budget Office, this will add billions to the cost of Obamacare next year alone.

Two days later, another whopper. On July 5, the Obama administration revealed that it would also skip the health law’s requirement that applicants seeking taxpayer subsidies to pay for their insurance have their income and insurance eligibility verified. Welcome fraudsters, too bad again for taxpayers.

President Obama does not have the authority to choose which parts of the law are enforced. In 1975, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously against President Richard Nixon’s inflated claims that he could selectively carry out the law. But going to court to keep presidents in line is slow and necessitates finding litigants to sue the president. The framers gave Congress a more practical way to resist a power-hungry president: defunding. Defunding is precisely what members of Congress are supposed to do when a president breaks the law. It’s checks and balances in action. Two centuries ago, the chief architect of the U.S. Constitution James Madison declared in Federalist No. 58 that Congress’s authority over spending is the “most complete and effectual tool” to stop a president from grabbing more power than the Constitution allows.

Utah Senator Mike Lee is taking a page out of Madison’s playbook. On July 17 Lee urged Congress to vote against any continuing resolution to fund the federal government after September 30 so long as it funds Obamacare. “Laws are supposed to be made by Congress, not…[by] the president, who has now amended Obamacare twice. Once by saying individuals have to comply with the law during their first year but employers don’t. Then in saying we aren’t even going to require people to prove their income.” Lee said that if the administration is not prepared to fully enforce Obamacare as enacted, it should agree to delay the entire law and remove its funding from the budget. Eleven fellow Republican Senators and at least 60 Republican House members have signed on to Lee’s defunding stance.

Lee’s constitutional case is air tight. Yet the Democratic Party and Obama’s supporters in the media are trying to label the defunding strategy “government sabotage,” “radicalism,” and “obstructionism.” They need a refresher course on the Constitution.

Sadly, some Republicans are whining about the political consequences if Obama calls their bluff and allows the government to run out of money. “They’re going to shut down the Grand Canyon,” Arizona Senator John McCain warned, and he’ll hear about it from unhappy voters. Several senators who originally signed on with Lee saw the political risk, lost their nerve, and removed their names. Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) even called withholding funding “the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.”

There is nothing dumb about protecting the Constitution. Members of Congress took an oath to uphold it. If not now, when? The more times this president is permitted to trample the Constitution, the more freedom we’ve lost.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
8/3/2013 1:08:13 PM

The Jobs News Isn't Good


RUSH: There's economic news out the wazoo today. Folks, it's all over the ballpark, and none of it is good. Much of it, most of it is being portrayed as good and positive in the media, which of course in a lot of people's minds is going to mean it's good. But it isn't. From the AP, Christopher Rugaber: "US employers added 162,000 jobs in July, the fewest since March. But the gains were enough to lower the unemployment rate to a 4 1/2 -year low of 7.4 percent, a sign that's hopeful in an otherwise lackluster report." Not true. It's not hopeful. There's nothing good about it.

And speaking of CNN, let me find it here because they've done a random act of journalism again. Grab sound bite number eight. I mean, I could tell you this, but I want you to hear this on CNN. Not enough people are watching CNN for this to have impact, so we're gonna give 'em a little amplification here. This was on their program this morning that's anchored by Carol Costello. She spoke with their business correspondent Alison Kosik about the July jobs numbers. Costello said, "Investors are getting their first chance to digest the latest jobs report, Alison. Alison Kosik, the New York Stock Exchange, what do we see?"

KOSIK: The problem is that lower unemployment rate that came in, it may be for the wrong reasons because the number of people counted in the labor participation rate fell, so people literally left the labor force, they gave up looking for work. That's really not the reason you want to see the unemployment rate tip lower. You want to see people getting jobs, and that's the reason you want to see the unemployment rate go lower.

RUSH: You gotta give 'em credit. I mean, she's trying. She pretty got it right. You have to give 'em kudos. (interruption) What'd you say, H.R.? Giving up is never good. Here's the thing. Again, the labor force participation rate, that number is what I'm talking about when I tell you that nine million jobs have vanished since Obama took office. The universe of available jobs in the country is down by over nine million. They just don't exist. It's like enough factories closed that there are nine million jobs, no longer attainable. It's not the jobs are waiting to be filled. They're not there anymore. There's nothing good about jobs in this country.

There's not one bit of news of any substance whatsoever that's good. Nine million plus jobs, we lost some more. That's what she was talking about, labor force participation rate. So the unemployment rate goes down because the number of people out of work divided by the number of jobs available, of course the percentage is gonna come down. If there were nine million jobs still out there waiting to be had, the unemployment rate would be almost 12%, folks. If there were as many jobs today as when Obama took office and the number of people that were working were factored against that number, the unemployment rate would be almost 12%.

That's how bad it is, and Alison Kosik got it right. The unemployment rate went down because it's a mathematical phenomenon here. It has nothing to do with jobs being created, and it's one of the fallacies in the way this number is reported. You would think that if the unemployment rate went from 7.6% to 7.4%, that we're adding jobs -- and your average low-information doofus out there is going to think just that.

But it's the exact opposite.

The labor force participation rate makes up two things: Jobs that have vanished and people no longer looking for jobs, because there aren't any that they want. In addition, the number of jobs that were added (162,000, a modest increase) was the fewest number of jobs per month since March. But Rugaber here in the AP is entirely disingenuous (and maybe dishonest, I don't know) when he then writes, "The gain was still enough to help lower the unemployment rate."

The gain? Those 162,000 jobs have nothing to do with the unemployment rate going down. That 162,000 doesn't compensate anywhere at all for the jobs being lost and closed down. Ladies and gentlemen, we used to be told that it took 200,000 jobs a month to lower the unemployment rate. Just two months ago we were told that 175,000 jobs created in May were too few to lower the unemployment rate.

Well, to grow it -- to get on a job-creation rate that would start making a dent in the actual jobs lost beginning in 2009 -- would require 500,000 jobs a month. In fact, you go back to the eighties and the Reagan recovery, and that's what you'll find. You'll find that in any real economic recovery. There is no economic recovery when 162,000 jobs are added. So CNN, God bless 'em, swerved into the truth; AP is continuing to present BS.

Trying to make it look like, "Well, it's not a whole lot of growth, but it's growth happening out there, 'a hopeful sign in an otherwise lackluster report.'" But what of the kind of jobs are being created? We've talked about the this, so it will not come as a surprise to you. Here are the ballpark numbers. So far this year, 900,000 jobs have been, quote/unquote, "created." That's how many people have found work. How many of 'em...?

Rachel, take a wild guess. You don't pay much attention to news until you're here. You're a good case history here. I mean, you do but... (interruption) Don't misunderstand. (interruption) No, no, no. She's got a family, and she's out running around. She's really busy. Okay, 900,000 jobs created so far this year. How many of them are full time, do you think? (interruption) It's 200,000. Over 700,000 of the jobs created this year are part time, which means what?

They don't qualify for benefits.

They don't qualify for Obamacare.

Some of these jobs are part time because employers are downsizing, and they are converting full-timers to part-timers. But most of the new jobs this year are part time. Our old buddy Jim Pethokoukis at the American Enterprise Institute points out that the quality of jobs created was a big complaint by the Democrats when Bush was in office. Retail and restaurants, two of the lowest-paying sectors, accounted for more than half of all job growth in this 162,000 jobs created last month.

Retail and restaurants, two low-paying sectors, accounted for more than half of the jobs. It's a part time economy. What we really have is people leaving the job market. If the labor force participation rate were what it was in July of 2012, last year, the unemployment rate would be 7.8%. If the labor force participation rate were what it was in January 2009 when Obama took office, it would be 11%, not 7.4%.

Some people have now become comfortable not working. It's a result of government-encouraged dependency. Fully 4.2 million people have been out of a job for over six months -- 4.2 million people! Every one of them now... By the way, people are getting mad at me when I say this, when I say that they're all eating. I get e-mail, "Well, what do you expect them to do, starve?" Yeah, that'd be kind of good because maybe they'd be forced to go out and find work.

No, I don't expect them to starve.

Open your minds. I'm trying to make a point. There's no incentive to go out and find a job. There's no disincentive to being unemployed if you have very little ambition. Being unemployed in this country meant he didn't eat. It's why you had to go out and find a job. It's a number of other things. Being unemployed today, you still have your cell phone and your TV. It's a factor. It matters.

"That's not true!"

I'm giving you a fact-of-life observation.

"Yeah, but it sounds like you disagree with it. It sounds like you think people ought to be starving. It sounds like you want to go back to the days when you were a kid, when being out of work really meant pain and suffering."

Well, no. I mean, change is change, and it happens. But I understand human nature, and if you don't have to work for anything, you won't. It's not good for America, is the point, and it's not good for anybody. So 953,000 jobs created in 2013, and 77% are part time. 731,000. Another way of looking at it: For every full-time job created, there are four part-time jobs created. I don't care how you slice it, the jobs news isn't good.

Let me add one other statistic to this: The Senate amnesty bill, the Gang of Eight pathway-to-citizenship immigration bill, according to the vaunted Congressional Budget Office, says that there will be 46 million immigrants in America by 2033. That's just 20 years. In 20 more years, 46 million new people will be thrown in to this economy and job market. Stew on that while we take an obscene profit time-out.


RUSH: What do you mean? No, I've not left the economic news. I'm just moving on to this CNN thing. I've got a lot of stuff. I wish I could mention everything first today. I want to stick with the Benghazi thing, it's fascinating.

I was telling Snerdley, Snerdley came in today, and I said, "Have you heard about the latest news involving the millennials?" And he said, "No." According to a study from the Pew Research Center, 36% of the kids in the millennial generation -- that's age 18 to 31 -- 36% are living at their parents' homes. That is the largest number in 40 years. And 21.6 million young adults are still living at home. These are the people who are voting for Obama. If people under 30 weren't allowed to vote, Romney woulda won in a landslide. I'm not suggesting that. I'm just giving you interesting statistical information.

My point is, I don't want to hear about a roaring economy. I don't want to hear about great economic news. I don't want to hear about the unemployment numbers down, all kinds of jobs being created. There's nothing happening out there that equals progress in the traditional sense at all. We have a major transformation and regression taking place.

So, no, I was gonna split up the economic news.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
8/10/2013 7:12:21 PM
It always comes back to bite you.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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