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Jim Allen

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RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
11/19/2013 2:59:46 AM

Obamacare slouches into bad taste

Appeals court halts a sordid advertising campaign

The owners of two family businesses, K&L Contractors and Grote Industries, sued the Department of Health and Human Services to seek relief from an order requiring them to violate their religious beliefs.

The department ordered fines of $36,500 per employee per year until they provide health insurance with birth-control devices, access to sterilization and abortion services. Company owners with a moral opposition to the policy might be tempted to eliminate all coverage of employees, but in that event, the company would be fined $2,000 for every worker every year. Additional sanctions from the Department of Labor could follow.

K&L Contractors employs 90 workers and faces $730,000 in annual fines. Grote Industries, which makes vehicle safety systems, employs 1,148 workers and would be liable for a $17 million penalty every year. But such penalties aren’t just for large employers. A two-man travel agency would have to pay $73,000 in annual fines if the small-business insurance policy isn’t endorsed by Planned Parenthood.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Jim Allen

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RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
11/19/2013 9:37:13 PM
You will have to read the subtitles but it is so funny..

Hitler Finds Out That His Righty Blog Blew Up After Switching Servers

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
11/20/2013 1:47:54 PM
Virginia L O'Keefe via Amelia Stanley
Points to Ponder...........Alive and able to ponder in the first place, each individual is reminded as well, how easily we provided for murder in the womb, and we've being MURDERING our next generation of Americans for going on 40 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stunning this could happen in our beautiful America, we continue to be CHALLENGED, the necessity to unshackle our women and men from such pure evil is no small matter! IF we do not HONOR the Sanctity of Life at the beginning, there's no reason to think LIFE ITSELF will be 'honored' and protected at any age. For those who are 'confused', YOU ARE ALIVE and have the 'privilege' of BEING CONFUSED...first in the process of figuring this out is apparent! Easy to see how easily today, Sharia Law got on a ballot in America, easier yet to see it will be 'law' as well, in a twisted and immoral act of MURDER, if we do not UNDO Roe vs Wade, deciding once and for always the pure 'evil' it is. America will not survive as a moral and ethical society, if this law is not overturned. ~a society does NOT SURVIVE AT ALL, if it's decided 'life' has no real meaning, and is disposable....hiding behind the curtain of indifference, i.e. 'choice', fuels the idea murder is okay.~ STOP, Listen, Think and Discern!


WASHINGTON (AP) — A sharply divided Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed Texas to continue enforcing abortion restrictions that opponents say have led more than a third of the state’s clinics to stop providing abortions.

The justices voted 5-4 to leave in effect a provision requiring doctors who perform abortions in clinics to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital.

Supreme Court Refuses to Block Strong Texas Abortion Law

Credit: AFP/Getty Images

The court’s conservative majority refused the plea of Planned Parenthood and several Texas abortion clinics to overturn a preliminary federal appeals court ruling that allowed the provision to take effect.

The four liberal justices dissented.

The case remains on appeal to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. That court is expected to hear arguments in January, and the law will remain in effect at least until then.

Justice Stephen Breyer, writing for the liberal justices, said he expects the issue to return to the Supreme Court once the appeals court issues its final ruling.

The Texas Legislature approved the requirement for admitting privileges in July.

In late October, days before the provision was to take effect, a trial judge blocked it, saying it probably is unconstitutional because it puts a “substantial obstacle” in front of a woman wanting an abortion.

But a three-judge appellate panel moved quickly to overrule the judge. The appeals court said the law was in line with Supreme Court rulings that have allowed for abortion restrictions so long as they do not impose an “undue burden” on a woman’s ability to obtain an abortion. Writing for the appeals court, Judge Priscilla Owen noted that the Texas law would not end the procedure, only force women to drive a greater distance to obtain one.

Justice Antonin Scalia, writing in support of the high court order Tuesday, said the clinics could not overcome a heavy legal burden against overruling the appeals court. The justices may not do so “unless that court clearly and demonstrably erred,” Scalia said in an opinion that was joined by Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas.

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy did not write separately or join any opinion Tuesday, but because it takes five votes to overturn the appellate ruling, it is clear that they voted with their conservative colleagues.

Planned Parenthood and several Texas abortion clinics said in their lawsuit to stop the measure that it would force more than a third of clinics in the state to stop providing abortions. After the appeals court allowed the law to take effect, the groups said that their prediction had come to pass.

In their plea to the Supreme Court, they said that “in just the few short days since the injunction was lifted, over one-third of the facilities providing abortions in Texas have been forced to stop providing that care and others have been forced to drastically reduce the number of patients to whom they are able to provide care. Already, appointments are being canceled and women seeking abortions are being turned away.”

Breyer said the better course would have been to block the admitting privileges requirement at least until the court issued its final ruling because some women will be unable to obtain abortions. If courts ultimately find the law is invalid, “the harms to the individual women whose rights it restricts while it remains in effect will be permanent,” he said.

The five justices and three appeals court judges who sided with Texas are all Republican appointees. The four dissenting justices are Democratic appointees. U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel, who initially blocked the provision, is a Republican appointee.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican, praised the Supreme Court action. “This is good news both for the unborn and for the women of Texas, who are now better protected from shoddy abortion providers operating in dangerous conditions. As always, Texas will continue doing everything we can to protect the culture of life in our state,” Perry said.

Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said the groups will continue the legal fight:

“We will take every step we can to protect the health of Texas women. This law is blocking women in Texas from getting a safe and legal medical procedure that has been their constitutionally protected right for 40 years. This is outrageous and unacceptable – and also demonstrates why we need stronger federal protections for women’s health. Your rights and your ability to make your own medical decisions should not depend on your ZIP code,” Richards said.

Tennessee and Utah are the other states enforcing their laws on admitting privileges. Similar laws are under temporary court injunctions in Alabama, Kansas, Mississippi, North Dakota and Wisconsin.

In Texas, 12 abortion providers say they have attempted to obtain hospital privileges for their doctors, but so far none of the hospitals have responded to the requests. That means those clinics can no longer offer abortions, leaving at most 20 facilities open in a state of 26 million people. All of those facilities are in metropolitan areas, with none in the Rio Grande Valley along the border with Mexico. Currently, only six out of 32 abortions clinics in Texas qualify as ambulatory surgical centers, and some have doctors who do not meet the admitting privileges requirement.

Texas women undergo an average of 80,000 abortions a year.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Jim Allen

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RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
11/21/2013 10:59:38 PM

WATCH: Conservative Writer Takes on Race-Obsessed MSNBC Contributor Michael Eric Dyson

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During a discussion on the Martin Bashir program Wednesday, The Daily Caller's Matt Lewis decided he had simply had enough. Fellow panelist and Georgetown professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson was holding forth about how President Obama's political opposition was grounded not in criticism of his ideology or his (lack of) leadership but, you guessed it, racism.

Fed up with conservatives constantly being insulted on MSNBC as racist for opposing the president, Lewis interrupted Dyson and took him to task for refusing to deal with the actual merits of President Obama's policies and job approval, both of which are underwater in recent polls. To that, Dyson angrily shot back that Lewis was trying to cash in on his "white privilege" to "silence a black man" on the issue of race. [watch the video below the page break; listen to the MP3 audio here]

"Martin, are you going to call him out for that?" Lewis asked of Bashir, who, naturally, tut-tutted that Lewis should let Dyson finish his screed.

"Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt.... Please, please Matt, allow Professor Dyson to speak," Bashir pleaded.

"Oh, please, Matt?! What about please, Professor, who can't talk about anything other than race?!" Lewis retorted.

"I'm asking you to give him the courtesy of allowing [him] to express his point. You may dispute it, please allow him to speak," Bashir insisted.

Immediately following that, a furious Dyson fumed that he was simply "quoting Oprah Winfrey, by the way."

As my colleague Noel Sheppard pointed out to me, however, Dyson even flubbed on that point. Earlier in the segment, Dyson said Winfrey had told a British audience that the "bulk of the opposition to the president of the United States of America has to do with the single, singular fact that he's an African-American man."

In point of fact, Winfrey's statement was not as stark. Here's what she said in a recent interview with the BBC's Will Gompertz, with whom she was discussing her role in the film The Butler:

GOMPERTZ: To bring it back to the themes of the movie, do you think there's, has it ever crossed your mind that some of the treatment that Obama, and the challenges he's faced, and some of the reporting he's received, is because he's an African-American, and if he wasn't an African-American, if he was a white guy, this wouldn't have happened, he wouldn't have been treated in quite the same way, he wouldn't have to deal with quite the same confrontations?

WINFREY: Has it ever crossed my mind?! It's crossed my mind probably as many times as it's crossed your mind. Probably it's crossed my mind more times than it's crossed your mind. Just the level of disrespect, when the senator yelled out, "You're a liar." Remember that?

Yeah, I think that there's a level of disrespect for the office that occurs and that occurs in some cases and maybe even in many cases because he's African-American.

That's a far cry from Ms. Winfrey having charged that the majority of poltical opposition to the president is based on racism.

Furthermore, it's fundamentally weak sauce for an academic like Dyson to seek to prove his argument -- that President Obama is opposed by Republicans because he's black -- by appealing to a celebrity's opinion as his authority, rather than, I don't know, actually detailing for the viewing audience what he considers as actual instances of racism exhibited by conservatives.

Is that too much to expect from an academic? Is that too much to expect that the network which frequently gives him a platform?

Apparently, yes.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
11/22/2013 11:10:12 PM

November 22nd – Time to play


more like Reagan or Obama?”

Paula Priesse
November 22nd – Time to play “Sounds more like Reagan or Obama?” 1) Once said: “Every dollar released from taxation that is spent or invested will help create a new job and a new salary.” More like Reagan or Obama? 2) Once said: “Our present tax system exerts too heavy a drag on growth. It reduces the financial incentives for personal effort, investment, and risk-taking.” More like Reagan or Obama? 3) Once said: “… the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now.” More like Reagan or Obama? 4) Supporter of a strong national defense, staunchly anti-communist & lifetime NRA member. More like Reagan or Obama? & 5) Once said: "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." More like Reagan or Obama? Just a few facts about JFK not often mentioned in the lib media. Now compare these positions to those of O and modern Democrats. Whether you’re an admirer of Kennedy or not, one thing is clear: It’s not the Tea Partiers who are the real extremists in America today. P

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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