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RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset - September 17th is Constitution Day.
10/15/2013 3:04:34 PM
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Jim Allen

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RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
10/15/2013 9:57:26 PM
Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way you can understand them. This quote came from the Former Premier of the Czech Republic. Someone over there has it figured out. We have a lot of work to do.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.
It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.
The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. ...
Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.
The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools
such as those who made him their president."
Vaclav Klaus
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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
10/16/2013 2:55:57 AM

Wild Bill really hits the nail on the head in this video. I'm sure many of you, like me, have seen many of these liberal cry babies. Well listen carefully to what Wild Bill has to say about them and remember the quote about if you keep doing the same old things etc. I especially like this comment from one of the posters -


The democrats keep people poor to keep a bribed voting block. If all things were fair and equal in politics, the democrats would not be able to compete on the battlefield of ideas. But the hatemongers and the liberal media sling slander like a manure spreader, and thus keep as many voters ignorant as possible. Unfortunately, it works. The poor get poorer and the dumb get dumber. For all the progressive trolls that see this, I have one more bone for you. The War on Poverty = EPIC FAIL.

"Keeping Them Poor"

Liberal Democrats always promise the poor a bigger slice of the pie in exchange for their votes. Notice how the poor never seem to get it. Bill exposes the liars of the left.

Published on Oct 15, 2013

RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
10/16/2013 3:09:42 AM

To All Enslaved By the “Bliss” Of Their Ignorance: Knowledge Is Power

Written on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 by

We have all heard the term “Ignorance is Bliss.” If this is the case than The United States should be the most blissful nation on earth because it has become very apparent that ignorance has come to rule the day. Many of us have a hard time dealing with this because we understand what is at stake and we understand the inherent nature of man. Man seeks power, and we are blessed with a constitution that ensures that power remains largely in the hands of the people as the constitution binds the hands that govern. To those understanding the virtues of liberty and the responsibility it requires, three branches of government ensure that no single branch will amass dictatorial powers over another. Each branch has specific and separate powers that are designed to protect the liberties of the people first and foremost. To many young people, an executive branch that doesn’t have the dictatorial powers to give them what they think they deserve is the new definition of oppression. Representatives that are accountable to their constituents is the new form of tyranny as many people may not share the same values as those who are so enlightened to know what is best for everyone. There truly is only one word to describe this and that word is ignorance.

What we are currently witnessing in the death of this once free nation is not a failure of the republican or democrat parties to come to an agreement. It is not the failure of the republicans to see the so called “enlightened wisdom” of the liberals and just buckle and compromise. It isn’t the greedy desires of progressives in both parties to turn this nation into a socialist state where the very few rule the vast majority. It isn’t even a failure of a government that has gotten so big no one could possibly hold it accountable for anything. No, this is the fault of all those too ignorant to believe that anything going on in government is going to affect them. This is the fault of all of us who have put our sports, our entertainment, our clothes, movies, cars, boats and even careers in front of the responsibility of passing on a free nation to the next generation. This is the fault of those who believe that ignorance is bliss.

It is mind boggling to me that we still have people in this country that refuse, and I mean flat out refuse to hold Barrack Obama accountable for anything. They go on believing that everything is the republicans fault. Here we are in the middle of experiencing many of the short falls of Obamacare that many conservative commentators have been warning of and that is not enough to get the whole country calling for its repeal. There is a population of people that despite the fact this bill was not read when it was passed, their representatives have exempted themselves from it, it was passed strictly on party lines, it was passed by an unconstitutional method called “Deem it passed” and finally it was passed in the middle of the night while no one watched, who still support its implementation. There are also those that will still call me a racist for expressing an unfavorable opinion of it. That is either part of an agenda or it is simply ignorance. While I believe many people deliberately play the name calling game as a means of discrediting their opposition, I have to say that for the vast majority the latter is the truth.

We are literally looking at a generation of Americans who have been psychologically conditioned to surrender liberty for a false sense of security. I consider myself lucky to be able to draw off my own college experience because what I witnessed was indeed the application of these “psychological methods.” I will never forget having a conversation with a classmate concerning the health care bill and many of the warnings being issued about it. This is a guy who would always talk about social change but when asked what type of change he wanted to see would resort to a shoulder shrug and a sigh at his failure to provide a response. Of course the way he accentuated the words “social change” it was clear to me that he was simply seeking favor from our professor. I asked this young, indoctrinated socialist how health care could be a “right” when it required that government takes from one to provide for another. I asked him if the guaranteed liberties in our bill of rights meant anything to him and his reply, while expected was still very disheartening. He said, “I don’t care, I just want health care.” This was in 2010 and I would like to have the opportunity to ask him if he has attempted to enroll in Obamacare yet.

To all of those blissfully hiding behind their wall of ignorance I would like to ask you what you thought would happen when there were so many lies and deceitful actions surrounding the passage of this draconian legislation. Do you mean to tell me and all the others who have been trying to have this repealed that you are so stupid, so ignorant to believe that it is good legislation while those you voted for exempt themselves from it? Let me tell you something, your ignorance has ruined this country and we now live in a nation where government lords over us like a bunch of good little subjects. Is that what you wanted through your “Hope and Change?” It should be us determining what health care our representatives will receive with our tax dollars. Not greedy politicians forcing laws on us while they steal our money for their own prestige and power. Thanks to the bliss of the ignorant we are now well on track to becoming nothing more than serfs to an out of control government.

Jim Allen

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RE: You Can't Reason with a Liberal Mindset Laughing and Crying in the Kitchen
10/16/2013 11:54:54 AM

Wild Bill really hits the nail on the head in this video. I'm sure many of you, like me, have seen many of these liberal cry babies. Well listen carefully to what Wild Bill has to say about them and remember the quote about if you keep doing the same old things etc. I especially like this comment from one of the posters -


The democrats keep people poor to keep a bribed voting block. If all things were fair and equal in politics, the democrats would not be able to compete on the battlefield of ideas. But the hatemongers and the liberal media sling slander like a manure spreader, and thus keep as many voters ignorant as possible. Unfortunately, it works. The poor get poorer and the dumb get dumber. For all the progressive trolls that see this, I have one more bone for you. The War on Poverty = EPIC FAIL.

"Keeping Them Poor"

Liberal Democrats always promise the poor a bigger slice of the pie in exchange for their votes. Notice how the poor never seem to get it. Bill exposes the liars of the left.

Published on Oct 15, 2013

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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