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RE: Tracking your Advertising
6/4/2013 8:15:41 PM

For people who are new to online marketing,understanding these concepts needs to be done before you can get to step 2...HOW to track what you are doing and there are many ways to accomplish this important task.

It's kind of a Chicken -> Egg, Egg -> Chicken thing. In order to understand tracking... one needs to track! I am hoping that by starting folks out with something simple that they can easily understand that it will lead them into the "fine tuning" that really up conversions and $$$.
David Weed President,
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Tracking your Advertising
6/4/2013 8:34:40 PM
It's kind of a Chicken -> Egg, Egg -> Chicken thing. In order to understand tracking... one needs to track! I am hoping that by starting folks out with something simple that they can easily understand that it will lead them into the "fine tuning" that really up conversions and $$$.

I agree David..I guess I am coming from a place where I keep hearing people say why track at all..I'm posting ads on and so forth lol I guess I was tracking myself in terms of saying anything..
RE: Tracking your Advertising
6/4/2013 8:49:27 PM

I agree David..I guess I am coming from a place where I keep hearing people say why track at all..I'm posting ads on and so forth lol I guess I was tracking myself in terms of saying anything..

I get the same question too. Some people seem to think that if they throw enough (insert wet, somewhat sticky substance here) at the wall some of it will *Stick*. hopefully enough to make them... ahem... "rich".
Where I've been there is a name for that...


I'd much rather work like a sniper than a mudslinger.

I know these are "war" related comments, but if you think of yourself as a combatant in a "commerce war" consider these comments,

An American study revealed that in the First World War it took about
7,000 rounds of small arms ammunition to kill a single enemy soldier.

By the time of the Vietnam war, this had risen to around 25,000

The average sniper requires 1.3 rounds.

and one of my favorite quotes,

Dieu n'est pas pour les gros bataillons, mais pour ceux qui tirent le mieux.
God is not on the side of the biggest battalions, but of the best shots.
David Weed President,
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Tracking your Advertising
6/4/2013 11:24:32 PM
very nicely said David and I love when I can be so agreeable lol..
Bob Shoaf

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RE: Tracking your Advertising
6/6/2013 4:23:06 PM
Very true. Good subject to learn by all.

Thanks for sharing,

bob Shoaf
I teach Network Marketers how to Brand themselves, generate Leads, build Relationships and Grow Themselves & Their Teams! All for Free in your company! Bob Shoaf (575) 415-8671 Cell Anytime A Mentor with a Servants Heart