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Bob Shoaf

202 Posts
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Southwestern USA gardening
5/18/2013 1:14:44 PM
Gardening here in the high desert of New Mexico can be a challenge.

First the pH is at and usually over 8.0. Not a good start. lol

Once I ran an ad, in the fall, in the local paper asking for leaves bagged of course. I got several calls from people laughing about anyone crazy enough to want leaves. Obviously they knew nothing about gardening or lowering the pH.

I've started gardening seriously a couple years ago. I have a mentor who has gardened all his life and was one of the first master gardeners in our county a couple decades ago. That first year was quite an experience. I learned a lot from him. I asked lots of questions. We've known him for years. Lucy got her first teaching job with him back in the 80's.

I use strictly drip irrigation with a fertilizer injector. I got a late start this year, so no lettuce. It gets too warm from early June on through the summer.

But that's my beginning story.

Hope all is having a very nice weekend.
I teach Network Marketers how to Brand themselves, generate Leads, build Relationships and Grow Themselves & Their Teams! All for Free in your company! Bob Shoaf (575) 415-8671 Cell Anytime A Mentor with a Servants Heart
David Rowland

194 Posts
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RE: Southwestern USA gardening
5/26/2013 1:57:53 AM
Your right, gardening in the desert can be very challenging. You can boost your fertilizer program by using coffee grounds, tea grounds, crushed eggshells, epsom salts, composting, and more.

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