I believe that most evil is based upon fear.
Despots frequently fear that the world will not notice them and so perform despicable acts.
Roger, thanks for joining discussion.
My contemplative laboratory has many socio-psychological stages, on which many different roles and scenarios are performed. So, I am enabled to study, to say directly, any historic personality until least details, divine (spiritual) or secular.
Leaders, or just persons exposed to public opinion, practically rent their lives to the masses. And masses do the same. What else could be found here than a true paradox? No one lives his own life!!! And that paradox is a cradle of all visible and invisible matters of human personal and social life.
Shame and Blame, as a hermaphroditic parents of fear (in essence, AKA as a longitudinal wave with a countless frequencies, issued out of magma) disable one possibly comfortable life to the "communicating vessels" among leader (despot) and masses, making it rather a rough sea.
We still drink and eat one rather conspiracy equation about the Despots' greed and inconsideration in exploitative attitude against masses. Without such a superficial equation, our lives, I am sure, would be much more human and peaceful.
Watch carefully over your thoughts, when you assume you'd be blamed for .... anything. Your spontaneous reaction (even when talking to your closest and dearest people) would be the state of defense. You do not need to acknowledge it, to show it. But we can lie all, except ourselves. Just watch carefully, during one single day, how many times your thoughts are an uniformed soldiers, ready to defend your opinion, desire, righteousness, wrongness ... whatsoever.
So, our personal trouble is never in the other's hands.
We imagine, we expect, we suppose .... and we react, causing reaction from others.
We are our own despots.
And our own servants and slaves.