Hello everyone, A funny thing happened on the way to the forum. Hmmmmm, it seems that I have heard the phrase somewhere. I, like a lot of other people, received an invitation to post my forum thread. The invitation was posted by Roger McDivvit to my forum thread. For those of you who have just recently joined our community, and may not know everyone just yet, I want you to know that Roger is one of the best friends that I haver ever had, both on and off the computer. Roger, I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this act of kindness. I would drop some coins in a fountain and make some wishes for you, but with my luck it would be a bottomless well and I would fall in. Hmmmmm. I wonder whose wishes would come true in that case? And yes, I was choked up over your gesture. GOD BLESS YOU ~Mike~ http://www.countryvalues65.com I'm sending some friends over for the weekend. Shirley won't let me keep them. Look out the window. It shouldn't be long.