Hello all,
Do you have a forum thread that you would like others to know about? Or a forum that you would like people to join? How about we get some action going? It is frustrating when we spend time creating a forum or thread that we believe would be of interest to all, and no one shows up. So, come on in, because the phrase "Build it-and They will come" seems to only work if you are bulding a Baseball field in a Corn field. It does not matter what your forum or thread is about. It does matter, however that you let people know that it exists. I will start things off with a couple of my threads that I believe will be of interest to many.
Truth Revealed
UFO Revelations
Music Sensation Extension
You may also list ventures that you feel may be of interest to others. Those that know me, know that I do not get into very many ventures. However, with the unstable conditions that our world is in today with the increase of severe storms, Earthquakes, and other problems that are facing us on a daily basis, I found a product that we all need to protect our families for the uncertain future. Survival Foods with a twenty-five year shelf life. The prices are reasonable and there is even an opportunity for you to become an affiliate. Go to http://www.countryvalues65.com scroll down until you find
click on, and start building your future now.
So, let's start working together and help one another get traffic to our forums, threads, ventures, and at the same time gain more friendships throughout this wonderful community.
(P.S. I love AdlandPro and I have gained a lot of friends in here. Therefore, if I get enough responses to this thread, I will create a special page on my website to post ventures from the members of AdlandPro Community free of charge)
Pretty aliens welcome!!