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Diane Bjorling

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RE: Rebooting
5/2/2013 4:29:16 PM
Good morning David and I have had this up for a few hours, but had to get the time to think of an appropriate response as well as get some things done

Storming the castle...I like it personally, although having a goal for doing this is always required ( unless you are minion who follows the

Like many people or maybe I should reword, many of the Adlandpro members, I came -- I saw-- I did not conquer anyone and that was back in 2006 I believe.

What I did notice was that at that time, I had no concepts about anything to do with marketing, affiliate marketing or anything else for that matter, but I did like the social aspect - to a degree.

I learned a lot by the way, mostly from doing everything wrong lol and I realized that while I grasped concepts, I really do not like traditional marketing, I'm just not bent that way.

I also saw people doing things that had me going..You're kidding and why are they doing that? I compared everything to the real world and still do to a degree.

Because of some things happening on here, I stayed away, but would come in from time to time to see if anything had changed and I have to say that changes are happening and they are good ones over all and that is something I can like.

During my absence I kept learning, reading and absorbing information and my two passions are blogging and social media marketing, but I will never call myself an expert..just a person who seems to like this kind of stuff and I will always be learning.

Can blogging and social media marketing help affiliate marketers or sure can,if people are willing to take the time to throw out some of the out dated, out moded, the drop linking mentality and the persistent thinking that people are a list instead of people being people.

My job as I have openly stated on my profile is being a social media manager to two companies. I represent them on social and I LOVE what I do, I sure can get tired and there are many times I work more hours than many do at a regular 9-5 job.

The reason I am here is to share what I know about what I am learning or have learned to help others who are marketing or affiliate marketing. I am here to show people that adding content on a forum should add value and this to me is very important.

If I can help even one person learn a different way of doing things, where they wont be looked at as ...oh an internet marketer ( with disdain and mistrust) then I feel I am doing a good job.

Internet marketing, marketing and affiliate marketing has been getting a very bad name on the net and the people I hang out with frequently have little good to say ..I always go to them and say..we need to educate people and help them learn that to get the sale, people have to understand all aspects to marketing from good email marketing techniques, how to be social and use the funnel to create fans who in the end will want to buy from you and even develop loyalty to your brand.

I also want to warn people of the traps out there and to think before jumping into the fire of scams and being spammy.

so many things I want to do

The Adlandpro affiliate program is a good one and even though I am not an affiliate, it does not mean that I do not support the program..more like I have a job that I truly like lol

I noted that Dave Cottrell put up a forum that was very good in what it says

...its a good read by the way and I liked how he stated his thoughts.

Anything else I can add? ....hmmm I think I have talked enough for now
Bogdan Fiedur

4629 Posts
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RE: Rebooting
5/2/2013 4:51:16 PM
Hi David,

Welcome back, hope to see you here more often.

RE: Rebooting
5/2/2013 6:00:45 PM
Hi David,

Welcome back, hope to see you here more often.


I like the new place Bogdan, you'll be seeing a lot of me 'round here.
David Weed President,
RE: Rebooting
5/2/2013 6:06:01 PM
Good morning David and I have had this up for a few hours, but had to get the time to think of an appropriate response as well as get some things done

Storming the castle...I like it personally, although having a goal for doing this is always required ( unless you are minion who follows the

... ...

Anything else I can add? ....hmmm I think I have talked enough for now

Diane, thank you so much for coming in here. Great post! and very well said. I'm really looking forward to listening and learning from you going forward. Yep I said that, *I* don't know everything!
David Weed President,
Chuck Bartok

258 Posts
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RE: Rebooting
5/2/2013 6:23:14 PM
I also have recently returned to AdlandPro...
The real reason is that I noticed Bogdan on Google+ and we re-established dialog plus the personal invite back from Dave Cotrell.
AdlandPro was very helpful in establishing my presence on the internet.......
BUT I was taken aback by the infusion of poorly trained marketers who actually interfered with my efforts through the unabashed Fire Hose Tactics.
I will be returning regularly....
BUT as an side note:
I love the word SELL
The greatest things that ever happened in MY life and the lives of those I associate with has been the result of a SALE
I have been successful selling (showing others how to solve THEIR problems) for over 50 years.....
The internet has allowed the opportunity to meet more prospects and share more solutions than any of the other Traditional Strategies we used over the years...
THE KEY Learn to market and SELL properly and efficiently.
Glad to be back

Chuck & Shirley Bartok Northern California 530-798-0245

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