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Elaine Groff Wolff

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RE: Blog Content Attracts Traffic
4/27/2013 5:23:36 PM
Thank you Lesly for this forum. I will be a frequent visitor. On my first visit I spent my time very productively but did not get passed your 1st entry. It leads to a great blog on getting traffic which is a subject I am very much interested in. I am called by offline duties at this point and will get back to this ASAP. Have a wonderful day. Elaine
Elaine Groff Wolff
RE: Blog Content Attracts Traffic
4/27/2013 11:47:34 PM
Hi Diane,

yes, by all means contribute what you know for sure!

Blogging should be something you enjoy doing. Writing about something you know well or are passionate about helps too. If you are in business and using a blog for your business this is where "niche" marketung comes in. "Niche" meaning targeting your business to those clients/customers who would be interested in what you offer.

But, I also think it should be fun for you to do! You can just write, you don't have to have a blog for business. Yet, most people who start a blog want to share their passion with the world. Current trends in blogging is the content should be of value and your content be something others will learn from, engaging in, insightful, entertaining, etc. so that visitors come back to it. ...

Blogging is a way to earn income too. But that's for another day, another post. You can use a blog to write an ebook, reports, mini classes, etc. The sky is the limit ...

So Diane,
Share, share , share .....

Personally I don't think a blog has to be one way or another. It kust has to reflect who you are with creative integrity..

Lesly Federici RN http://www,
RE: Blog Content Attracts Traffic
4/27/2013 11:49:44 PM
Hi Elaine, welcome!
And thank you. Visit when you can.... just enjoy when you can ...
Lesly Federici RN http://www,
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Blog Content Attracts Traffic
5/1/2013 10:58:11 PM
Hi Lesly, I wanted to share with you and your readers a blog post that was done by Mike Allton, who is so awesome at what he does and it fits this forum perfectly :-)

Many people write a blog and they don't have a firm action plan as to what to do after they have written their posts and that can cause people to have less than stellar results when it come to getting traffic to their blog.

I have used many of the ideas that Mike talks about over the years, but confess there were a couple that were new to me.

without further is that blog post and I hope you enjoy
