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Blog Content Attracts Traffic
4/26/2013 10:32:25 PM
Hey there,

I wanted to share this blog post on my friend' blog - David Snell. It's true, content matters. How often you write on your blog or not will attract visitors or not, and affect search ranking ...

Here's the link:


Lesly Federici RN http://www,
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Blog Content Attracts Traffic
4/27/2013 1:17:40 AM
Hi Lesly once again I thank you for creating a good forum that I am sure will attract people and through a good dialogue will help people learn.

Regarding the post that you have shown and in the comment you made to David Snell, you made a very good point and I am takes determination, focus and commitment.

Before one can do that,one has to determine what their "niche" is so that they can look to a career in blogging.

I have seen far too many people start a blog and then lose interest in part because they have not written to what they know or they write for the wrong reasons.

Most people who are marketing think that they can put up a blog, put in a bit of content ( usually an advertisement being used as content) and then wonder why no one is reading.

There are those who believe that putting up refurbished content will create that traffic and at one time they might have been right, but not anymore. People are getting smarter and when they see the same thing over and over again, they will keep hunting for what they really are answer to a question, solving a problem or having entertainment.

Blogging is an amazing way to create for yourself a self publishing "empire" and for many a way to create a living, but like anything else it also takes learning solid concepts, learning SEO and learning that the best blog is your own blog. Blogging also means learning that while content is King, context is the Queen they both have to work together..not always an easy task ( but never impossible)

I have been so fortunate to have been taught by those have the highest ideals and they have taught me so much and for that I am grateful.

My hope is that others will want to learn from the forum that you have created and I hope that I can be of some help to you and others :-)

Nellie .

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RE: Blog Content Attracts Traffic
4/27/2013 1:22:25 AM
Lesly, I like your new forum and will add it to my forum. Cheers,Nellie
Branka Babic

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RE: Blog Content Attracts Traffic
4/27/2013 9:07:36 AM
Hey there,

I wanted to share this blog post on my friend' blog - David Snell. It's true, content matters. How often you write on your blog or not will attract visitors or not, and affect search ranking ...

Here's the link:


Lesly and Diane,

You two are simply contagious ha ha!
Blogging or SMM were not on my list things do, no, by no means.
I was just a buzzing bee (lol BB), collecting a pollen that, here and there, could be found over net, diluting my offline engagement, research and dedication.

What I have noticed for all those years was a kind of blogging autism, and it was in constant progress. You two ladies are bringing in one real hope that things really could be changed.

I'd follow and support as per my abilities.
I thank you both for being such inspiring and motivating.
Those who share, really never can know how far they can make an "erosion" in one's stuck perception and plans, letting a frash air to come in.
