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Dave Cottrell

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RE: I Had Amnesia Once... The Friday File
4/20/2013 4:18:38 PM
You did it again Dave-every generation should have a Steven Wright!
I loved the hair and you were laughing so hard-didn't even realize that you were thinking at the same time-an amazing feat.
Thanks a bunch:)

I'm glad you enjoyed it, Joyce. He is so laid back and quiet - his humor kind of sneaks up and smacks you, right in the funny bone! I just about need a hanky when I see his stuff!
Branka Babic

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RE: I Had Amnesia Once... The Friday File
4/20/2013 8:17:45 PM
Dave, is this place supposed to be a kindergarten for me?
Ha ha!
I wished to come here a few days ago (if that wasn't Sunday, then was Thursday - my life usually goes between Thursday and Sunday - all other days just happen being around them).

I am laughing.
Reading again.
And laughing again/


Nerma Selimović

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RE: I Had Amnesia Once... The Friday File
4/20/2013 8:42:07 PM
Hhahaha, Dave! This is so funny .. I read .. and read .. and laugh!

Thank you!

Branka Babic

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RE: I Had Amnesia Once... The Friday File
4/20/2013 8:52:25 PM
"Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?"

Dave Cottrell

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RE: I Had Amnesia Once... The Friday File
4/22/2013 4:20:57 PM
"Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?"

Isn't he the one who delivers the blue screen of death? haha