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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Mexican Art and Artists since 1900. Share, look, learn and discuss
3/23/2013 11:06:20 AM

As an interesting and nescessary side issue we need to look at the history of this fascinating country.

To many North Americans, Mexico is part of their old Wild West history but there is far more than that.Even now, Mexico is viewed as a thorn in the rump of America by many in the north who only see the reports of law and disorder and the escapes over the border by desparate people. There is a BIG story behind this country that needs to be read.

Wikipedia has a brief history lesson. I cannot vouch for accuracy but it's worth a read.

I have learned much already. If you know better or more then share.



Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Mexican Art and Artists since 1900. Share, look, learn and discuss
3/23/2013 11:15:46 AM

Varo, Remedios (1908-1963) - 1959 Exploring the Sources of the Orinoco River

Some images like this are available elsewhere in better form but copyright issues are common in 20th Century art.

We have to hope that copyright owners accept our desires to learn above others.


Alain Deguire

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RE: Mexican Art and Artists since 1900. Share, look, learn and discuss
3/24/2013 2:46:22 PM

Hi Roger!

You did a great marketing round for your forum in The Welcoming Club... this is a great idea and I seriously hope that you get much success.

This one is interesting...

Have an awesome week,


Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Mexican Art and Artists since 1900. Share, look, learn and discuss
3/24/2013 3:12:56 PM

Hi Roger!

You did a great marketing round for your forum in The Welcoming Club... this is a great idea and I seriously hope that you get much success.

This one is interesting...

Have an awesome week,


Thank you Alain,

I will try hard

Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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RE: Mexican Art and Artists since 1900. Share, look, learn and discuss
3/24/2013 3:23:34 PM

No mexican art site could leave out Diego Rivera so................

Diego Rivera

El arsenal

(The Arsenal or Distribution of Arms 1928)
