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Michael Caron

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RE: Magdalene Sisters
1/8/2020 12:00:41 AM
mike1.jpgHi all. In this past year, we have heard a lot of stories about children that have been murdered or abused. I have been searching stories of the past and have uncovered some very disturbing information. It seems that the slaughter of children and adults that are deemed unfit for life has been and still is an ongoing situation that has been going on for quite some time and is not going to end soon. It seems that those that have a lot of money don't want those that have not got a lot of money or the elderly that are in need to get by. When will this vicious cycle end? Perhaps never. I thought that the atrocities of the Magdeline sisters were just an isolated and tragic case, but I see now that it is only the tip of the ice burgh. I am going to bring in as many of these videos as possible so that you can see in which direction that our world is going. I know that a lot of you will not respond to this, but I hope that you will understand what I am trying to do. I love you all, wheather you are mega rich or very poor. Money should never dictate who stays or who goes, but it is very evident that it does. Once again, I hope these videos come up. I will print the URL's in case they don't.
We saw Nuns Kill Children: The Ghosts of St. Joseph's Orphanage
Crimes Against Childrenat residential school. The Truth Againt St. Annes-The Fifth Estate
Caring Corrupted-The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich.
I will check for the correct URL for the Crimes Against Children.
~ Mike ~
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.

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