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Michael Caron

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RE: UFO Revelations
1/26/2013 6:37:44 AM

I am doing okay thank you for asking. You are not nuts, these people are blind and stiffneck people like a the Israelites during the time Moses was trying to help deliver God's people out of Egypt. Yes, I am aware of missing books for quite a few years, and the scholars oppose alot scriptures because it was too gruesome or there were many stories they thought it wasn.t appropriate. God Bless and take care

P.S. Check this out and spread the word

10_1_136.gifHello all,

Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, I would like to invite you to click on the link that Alexis has provided for us. These videos will answer a lot of questions the many of us have about a lot of things.

In the mid 70's, I wrote a free lance column for a weekly newspaper in my home town of Taunton, Massachusetts. It was a column dedicated to the belief that we were not the only intelligent beings in the Universe. I had only written the one column for the one newspaper, however readers had evidently been cutting out the articles and sending them to various weekly newspapers throughout the New England states. I had included my mailing address in the column and within two weeks I began receiving letters from people from several states telling me about their UFO sightings and encounters with the inhabitants of these vehicles from other worlds. Many claimed that although they did not see the inhabitants, they seemed to sense that they were communicating with the people on the ground. One message that many readers received was that they were here to help us, but first we had to stop killing one another. I began including these letters in my column but not the names of those that had the encounters. I would say 'A man from Vermont writes' or 'A woman from Maine felt a strange sensation' but not their names to protect their image. More and more letters began to pour in, and I was happy that people were beginning to express theirselves. I was working a full time job and writing the articles after work. I returned home from work one night and my ex wife met me at the door. She said that two high ranking Air Force officers came by while I was at work, confiscated all my information, and told her that if I continued writing my column that they could not help it if our children met up with an accident. I had served in the Air Force for five years and was not too happy with this information. I had the phone numbers of some of the people that had contacted me and tried to reach them. Some of the phones had been disconnected and those that were still working refused to talk with me. Reluctantly, I stopped trying. I have three videos that should be of interest to many.

DNA Evidence for Tall Blondes ET's contactee passes polygraph test

The Grey Aliens, Part 1

Alien Species 1-Humans



Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: UFO Revelations
1/26/2013 4:33:33 PM
Hi Micheal,

Like to see you doing this forum.

Isn't this a sad news that saying that we are not the only intelligent beings in the universe requires courage or at least understanding that you could be seen as nut?

I guess humans on earth might be not that intelligent after all.

Michael Caron

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RE: UFO Revelations
1/26/2013 6:36:28 PM

10_1_136.gifHi Bogdan,

Thank you so much for approving this forum. Yes, it is sad. It is sad because for many years, people that held the truth in their minds were surpressed by the elite millionaires who's only interests have been to be at the front of the line and push everyone else back. While listening to the man's account I was thinking "You only wish that happened" however for him to have been able to pass a polygraph test , my new thoughts are, "Where can I find these Blondes?" While researching for material for this forum I am uncovering so much information that I have always knew existed, but never knew quite where to find it. Yes, we think that we are intelligent, however we still follow blindly those that continually feed us false information, in order that we never uncover the real truth. There are document videos that are between one hour long to two and a half hours long. I choose not to bring them in, because there are not that many people that would have the patience to sit and listen for that length of time. It is interesting to note that when I was doing my column and interviewing people that had encounters of one kind or another, the majority of them, at some point in the conversation would pause and say, "You know, before this experience I was a skeptic. I would laugh at anyone who mentioned anything about UFO's or aliens." They would pause again and say in a lower voice, "But,I'm not laughing anymore. This is much too serious to laugh about." The most famous case in history is Betty and Barney Hill. Barney was a sceptic. When he underwent regressive hypnosis and revealed what had transpired on the Mother Ship, and the tape was played back to him, he went balistic. He yelled saying that it was a lie. Everything that was said were lies and that none of what he said was true. During the hypnosis, Barney pointed to spots on his body where the aliens inserted probes or scalpels, and during his tirades, his shirt was removed. The doctors pointed to spots or welts on his body in the exact same areas where he had pointed out, and demanded to know how they had gotten there. He insisted that he had no idea but that it wasn't from aliens because they did not exist. The reason that the Hill incident got so much publicity was that Barney Hill was the biggest skeptic. He went to his grave insisting that nothing happened to them.

When a person shouts from the rooftops about their experiences, that's one thing, however when one is presented with all kinds of evidence proven that something happened and insists that it is all a lie, that is completely different. As I have mentioned before, TRUTH is not always something that we WANT to know, but something that we NEED to know. We need to know how Cain took a wife when the only people on Earth at the time were Adam, Eve, and Cain. This, and other secrets of the Bible are in the videos that Alexis brought in. These are videos that we need to watch. We need to know that those that we are following are Benevolent beings that do have our best interests in mind, or if we need to search further to find out what the agenda is for others that are out there as well. Most importantly, we need to hear from the members of our own community that may have had contacts of there own, whether theirs were pleasant experiences or horrifying experiences. I will definetely bring in as much information on this subject as I can, however we can no longer wait until it is the right time for our benefactors to reveal the truth. We have to search for the truth ourselves.



Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Michael Caron

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RE: UFO Revelations
2/2/2013 4:31:50 AM

10_1_136.gifTo all my friends around the Globe,

I have always been fascinated with the subject of Ufology, not only recent studies, but ancient findings as well. I have seen a few, sometimes being alone, while other times being with friends or strangers. I corresponded with people who have had experiences of one kind or another. I have been warned in the past to stop delving into matters that were none of my business. It is my business as well as yours to know the TRUTH of what's going on around us. While being stationed in Lajes Field, Azores in 1963 and 1964 I was a cook Superviser at the Inflight Kitchen. At that time, it was located right at the edge of the Tarmac. Across the road from the Inflight kitchen was supposedly an empty Warehouse. No deliveries were ever made there and no vehicles ever picked up supplies there. The windows were all painted black so you could not see in, and it was heavily guarded both day and night by both United States Air Force Air Police and Portuguese Military Police. One evening, as I was standing on the back loading dock of the Inflight kitchen, my cook seamed to think that I was deep in thought and asked what I was thinking about. Absentmindedly I sighed and said, "Oh, I was just wondering about that empty Warehouse across the street. If it is empty, why do they need guards around it? What do they have in there? A Flying Saucer?" I thought he was going to have a heart attack. He grabbed me, pulled me inside telling me to be quiet. He said that he was going to get me a drink of water to calm me down. After he finished the third glass of water, I told him that I was calm now. (I didn't want him to drown.) Finally, he told me the story about the mystery warehouse. Two planes had collided on the other side of the island. When rescue boats went out to find survivors and debris, everyone else in that area of the island were relocated temporarily. In the meantime, every truck available loaded up items that were in the warehouse and moved them to a different location. Once the warehouse was empty, one end of the warehouse was fitted with hanger doors. Once the hanger doors were completed, trucks moved in with debris from the wreckage. It was not shaped like any ordinary aircraft. The trucks were completely covered with taupilin to keep the contents hidden. My cook had been working one evening and like myself was standing outside on the back dock. It was a windy night and as one of the trucks was turning in the direction of the warehouse, part of the taup blew up and caught on something long enough for him to see part of a Dome. He scurried inside before anyone noticed him. The taup blew back down into place. He asked a relative that lived on the other side of the island if he knew anything about what happened. There had been no head on collision between airplanes. A UFO had been shot down, and there were rumors that there were survivors.

smogmeinichols3.jpgI would gladly walk over and shake hands. We have been lied to and threatened for so long, that it just becomes second nature to say "I didn't see anything" or "Nothing happened. I swear it!" There are people out there that have been there, done that. Some of them have good news to share. Others have bad news that needs to be told. We are in the middle of the biggest change that we have ever seen on Earth. We are also getting closer and closer to the Asteroid that will not be a close call or near miss, but to the one that will be a Direct Hit. However, this is not going to be like the movie where at the very last minute the Asteroid will be blasted out of the sky, the sky clears, and once again, we are saved. They forgot to tell us one thing in that movie. it will still leave debris. A piece of the asteroid the size of a baseball slamming to Earth at a few thousand miles per hour will leave a gigantic hole. So now, instead of one huge asteroid hitting the Earth you have thousands of smaller asteroids spreading out to every point on Earth reducing our planet to Swiss cheese. The other problem is communication satelites. One huge asteroid will wipe out some, but not all. Thousands of satelites will wipe out all of the communication satelites. No computers, no phone, no T.V. or Radio, nothing left. All of the things that we rely on to survive will be gone. Watch these two videos. Laugh all you want to. However, we have been told all of what is to happen. All any of us ever had to do is read the Bible ourselves, because it is all there staring us in the face. We just found it easier not to believe. Now, it may be too late anyway. Perhaps those who have wanted to ascend to the five dimension will do so quicker than we intended to. I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to drink the Grape Kool-aid.

Feb 15 2013: Killer Asteroid 2012 DA Headed for Earth!!

01.03.2013-EMP Threat Imminent

I truly hope that I am wrong about this one, but, what if I'm not? I have a lot of wonderful friends in this community and if suddenly I am not able to communicate with you it would be terrible.

The most important message I would like to send everyone is this. No matter what you get out of life, you have to give something in return. I give you my love and respect. I don't expect to get anything in return.



857646a751a4xz9m.gifHmmmm. I wonder what planet....Never mind. Shirley wouldn't let me keep her.

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Michael Caron

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RE: UFO Revelations
2/5/2013 8:06:13 PM

10_1_136.gifHello once again,

Whether or not you believe that aliens exist or not, or whether you believe that they are benevolent beings or whether they are extremely dangerous does not matter that much right now. The most pressing problem that should be on everybodies agenda is to end violence towards women once and for all. Women around the world have been tortured in one way or another for much too long and it does have to stop. We consider the Human Race to be the most intelligent Race in the Universe, but time after time if we see a girl or woman being brutaly beaten or raped, we close our eyes and pretend that it is not happening. We are actually the most Inhuman race in the Galaxy and we have to stop that now. There is a new organization that has just been formed and their first event will be February 14, 2013. Does that date sound familiar? Valentines Day. The day of Universal Love. Watch the following videos and if you feel that this in not for you, Shame on You. This is a Global crisis and I believe that every single one of us knew someone, does know someone, or is currently a victim of these shameful acts.

One Billion Rising Short Film

Eve Ensler creater

Rosario Dawson

Lily Tomlin

Ruby Wax

Jessica Alba


~Mike~ I want to thank Bogdan for bringing this to my attention because this is very close to my heart. You see, I know someone who was victimized. My wife Shirley and I are both from Massachusetts. After we When we got to know each other, she told me a story that broke my heart. Shirley has suffered with Epilepsy since she was fourteen. When she was twenty-one, she cashed a check at her local bank and before leaving the bank she counted her money. She did not see the four men that were watching her. They followed her home and waited until it got dark. Shirley heard a knock on her door and without thinking opened it without asking who it was. The four men pushed their way in, two of them dragged her into the bedroom while the other two took every bit of money out of her pocketbook. The Landlord heard the screaming and called the police. When the two police officers arrived, the four men climbed out of the window and escaped by the fire escape ladder. When the policemen went into the bedroom Shirley began to relax until she saw one of them loosen his belt. As they left, one of them turned and said, "If you want to file a complaint come on down the station. We will be there." He tipped his hat and replied, "You have a nice evening." When she was able to compose herself she looked out the window and saw the four men and two cops under a lamp post. They were dividing the money up. I also learned that the man that she was married to in Massachusetts beat her up at least four times a week, as he said, "Just to keep in Practice." So yes, I believe in this organization and will do all that I can possibly do to support it.

I don't expect anyone to respond to this because it seems like no one really cares, however at least pass the information on to others.

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.

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