Hi Miguel, Thank you for this explanation. I thought that this would be in direct violation of our rights of Freedom of Speech, however, we all know that none of us really have the right to speak our minds. On the internet, if we write or say something that is in direct conflict with what our governments want us to say or write, we are always in jeopardy of having our thoughts removed in one way or the other. As for the New Age agenda, there is a lot that we are not aware of as yet. I am surprised that my two videos on the Illuminati have not been attacked as yet, because there is a fair amount of unpleasant news in both videos. I believe that it will not be too long in the future when elderly people depending on government aid, and disabled people of all ages will be systemetically eliminated. The easiest ways for governments to do this will be to cut off government aid altogether. When the elderly and disabled can no longer afford the medication at it's full price they will have to cut down on the medications and just buy what they can afford. Life saving medications are the most expensive. Fortunetely, there should be enough Food pantries to keep people from starving. Cutting Medicaid and Medicare out is not that farfetched, because there is already talk of doing that. It is ironic in a way. Governments have been offering huge grants to scientists to find ways to eliminate diseases and prolong lives and now that they have succeeded, these same governments are looking for ways to illiminate the unwanted recipients. I don't plan on going anywhere for a long time, no matter what restrictions they impose on me. Also, I refuse to give up my freedom of speech to anyone. I will maintain my right to voice my opinion on any subject that pleases me. Others have the right to agree or disagree with me, however no one has the right to silence me. As an example, I believe that women have the right to appear in public Topless. Some may agree, others may not. I want to hear from the ones that agree. GOD BLESS YOU ~Mike~ http://www.countryvalues65.com Okay, I am trying to be decent for those that don't agree.