Mark, Dennis is part of the POTW Team, his peers chose him as POTW and he is nominated for POTY by those same peers. I had not put a prize package together. I asked Bogdan yesterday what he felt would be a grand award. I see that the $400 Award is announced and that is a good thing.
I personally see it as a reason for ALL CANDIDATES to ASK FRIENDS FOR THEIR VOTES! Nothing else. What are you trying to say? That the election is already over? It ain't GET OUT THE VOTE!
Is it just me or does this sound funny coming from one of the people we are voting for? AND, if this is from AdlandPro, would it be a something that was up front coming from the owner so all new about this before hand, OR, hidden for a surprise going to the winner? Quote: This Year Adlandpro is giving a $400 Cash Award to the winner of POTY

Thank You Dennis