
Who is Madic Axe?

Madic Axe

Madic Axe
BirthdayThursday, November 1, 1979
Member SinceMonday, July 2, 2012
Last ActivityTuesday, January 8, 2013
LocationChicago, Illinois, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Well my name is Madic as you people can see also.. By profession em a doctor.
I am also working with that organization which provides Used Usmle Books. Even you people can Get More Info to Visit our Website.

Official Site: Usmle Books (
Facebook Page: http://Www.Facebook.Com/UsmleWorldWide
Twitter: http://Www.Twitter.Com/UsmleWorldWide
My Interests
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Diane Bjorling - (1/8/2013 1:47:13 PM) : It is a pleasure to meet you and thanks for the friend contact. Hoping that your day is a super duper one and look forward to seeing you on AdlandPro
Madic Axe - (8/25/2012 8:11:54 AM) : I completely agree with Ralph White.
Ralph White - (8/20/2012 3:47:13 AM) : Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture.
Elaine Groff Wolff - (8/15/2012 12:37:13 AM) : Hi Madic, Thank you for the invitation to be friends. If I can be of any assistance here in AdLandPro, it would be a pleasure. Elaine
Madic Axe - (7/17/2012 7:10:10 AM) : Well this is really awesome information you have shared. I really like it. Thanks for that useful info.
Michael... Clayton - (7/16/2012 6:38:02 AM) : Hi Madic be nice to have you as a friend. I have managed to earn over $10,000 a year online last 10 years. Meeting nice people online helps me survive and prosper. You are welcome to join my Adlandpro Forums and Community Regards Michael
