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Lydia Fokina

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RE: 100 Friends
4/2/2013 12:56:20 PM
I see. Something this.
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: 100 Friends
4/2/2013 4:39:33 PM

Hi all,

Relative to the current version of the organization Adlandpro, I suggest that IF someone makes his profile invisible to all, THEN it should be excluded from my list of friends and followers automatically.

AND it is even easier to cancel the ability to make invisible to all ("This user's profile details are not available to the public.") to all profiles. Who needs it? Intelligence agencies, spies?


I agree Lydia,

We have simply not taken this into consideration, but we will take your suggestions and apply some logic which will take care of this.

Currently we are working on integration of Adlandpro into Facebook, so we will not address this issue immediately.


Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: 100 Friends
4/2/2013 4:44:53 PM
I know this and if that is true, then Like I said if they want to be private, then they have no options to network or be apart of anything social or community. The affiliate program is not something that you bring to all ready members. If you are going to advertise this then why on earth would you also be private. This makes no sense at all.
Keep in mind I was agreeing with what you said. Keep in mind that that if they want to be that private, and only advertise, then they should not be a part of anything social or the community, and can not send me anything, post anywhere in my forums and not have access to anything unless they are open. they can talk to me but I can't send them anything?
They are on my friends list and can send to me? I can't access their profile?
If they do not want to communicate, then that is exactly what I am saying.
No wall post, no forums, no commenting in any social communicating community activity.
Did you change your mind?

Your suggestion acknowledge Mark.

Currently users when joining, they are not required to be community members. They can be just ad posters and they never even show up in the community or can be contacted by anyone from community. Yet some members join and then of course might decide that this is not for them. The option is to be hidden from community entirely. What we need to do is to inform user at such point that they also are loesing all of the privileges of having associations with other members and that they are losing ability to participate in community activity.

Lydia Fokina

2042 Posts
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RE: 100 Friends
4/2/2013 5:46:24 PM
I see, thank You, Bogdan
Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: 100 Friends
4/3/2013 9:32:29 AM
I understand.

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