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Mr. D

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RE: 100 Friends
4/2/2013 9:52:04 AM

I think I know what Lydia is saying.

As not totally sure, I will add to what I am seeing and also to make comment and public. Any user that has their profile blocked in a way that you are describing here, should be also blocked from any social activity here as well. (Community) They get no friends, follow no one, no one can following them, not able to create any groups, forums or events, has no access to the new wall of sharing and can not post or make comments anywhere. Has no direct message systems can not send out any emails. No credits, no rewards, no……. well i think you get my point.

Lydia Fokina

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RE: 100 Friends
4/2/2013 11:43:19 AM

Hi Mark,

Keep in mind that not all joined Adlandpro want to communicate. And Adlandpro is not just a social network, but also the affiliate program.


Mr. D

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RE: 100 Friends
4/2/2013 11:58:25 AM
I know this and if that is true, then Like I said if they want to be private, then they have no options to network or be apart of anything social or community. The affiliate program is not something that you bring to all ready members. If you are going to advertise this then why on earth would you also be private. This makes no sense at all.
Keep in mind I was agreeing with what you said. Keep in mind that that if they want to be that private, and only advertise, then they should not be a part of anything social or the community, and can not send me anything, post anywhere in my forums and not have access to anything unless they are open. they can talk to me but I can't send them anything?
They are on my friends list and can send to me? I can't access their profile?
If they do not want to communicate, then that is exactly what I am saying.
No wall post, no forums, no commenting in any social communicating community activity.
Did you change your mind?
Lydia Fokina

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RE: 100 Friends
4/2/2013 12:29:40 PM

Mark, I did not change my mind, but I remembered about affiliates. Maybe, it can influence.

I propose a simple algorithm:


IF a person invites me to be friends THEN

BEGIN IF I agree, THEN it falls to my friends list END

ELSE one falls in my list of followers


I should be able to transfer people from my friends-list to lists of follower.

IF a person decides to be invisible to all, THEN it is automatically removed from all my listings.

Are You agree?


Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: 100 Friends
4/2/2013 12:37:23 PM
Agreed. I hear you.
They should also be banned to do anything social.

when they try to post or create anything on this setting of private, there could be a pop up saying: "Your profile is blocked to the public. In order to use this feature, you must fix this here" and a link pointing to where they can open and change their privacy settings.
