
error This forum is not active, and new posts may not be made in it.
Jo Matthias

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RE: 100 Friends
3/30/2013 7:24:32 PM
Hi Mark, Sure hope it isn't!!! This forum is a great way to build your friends list and add contacts for any program/business you have.

Take care,
VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
Diane Bjorling

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RE: 100 Friends
3/30/2013 7:28:40 PM
If I might add to that thought Jo? This is a fantastic way to build new relationships and share great information about health, cats ( um today is #caturday lol) art, families and just about anything topic you can think of. While people tend to think about business...thinking beyond that boarder and seeing the potential of sharing..well it boggles the mind?
Happy Easter everyone

Hi Mark, Sure hope it isn't!!! This forum is a great way to build your friends list and add contacts for any program/business you have.

Take care,
Lydia Fokina

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RE: 100 Friends
3/30/2013 7:43:23 PM
I joined, but now I see sometimes in pop-up Online friends button in the right corner people, some of them, when I click on, I see:
"This user's profile details are not available to the public."

Question: If they are in my friend-list, why I have no possibility to know, who are they?


Diane Bjorling

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RE: 100 Friends
3/30/2013 7:46:40 PM
If I am correct in my thinking, I believe that people have been setting their privacy settings in a certain way as a result you will see what they allow you to see? would love to know if I am right or wrong ...

I joined, but now I see sometimes in pop-up Online friends button in the right corner people, some of them, when I click on, I see:
"This user's profile details are not available to the public."

Question: If they are in my friend-list, why I have no possibility to know, who are they?


Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: 100 Friends
3/30/2013 8:05:17 PM
If I am correct in my thinking, I believe that people have been setting their privacy settings in a certain way as a result you will see what they allow you to see? would love to know if I am right or wrong ...

I joined, but now I see sometimes in pop-up Online friends button in the right corner people, some of them, when I click on, I see:
"This user's profile details are not available to the public."

Question: If they are in my friend-list, why I have no possibility to know, who are they?


Hello Lydia and Diane,

There is an option to hide profile entirely from the view on community. If person first decided to be friends with others and then change the settings, this might result in such situation. There is no specific solution to this situation right now.


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