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Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: 100 Friends
1/23/2013 10:17:02 PM
I want to be a volunteer, I followed the rules and checked the appropriate box and have been already "friending" people


Hi Heidi,

Welcome to Adlandpro and I'm noticing that you took supportive role here already. Thanks for that.

Bogdan Fiedur

I've noticed that too Heidi!

Thumbs Up Heidi
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
RE: 100 Friends
1/30/2013 7:28:25 PM
The new "follow" feature is super cool, thanks! Steve
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
Dennis Clairmont

639 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: 100 Friends
1/31/2013 4:01:01 AM
Ok 100 Friends i hope your seeing your friend list building nicely
Now we have set you all up for 100 Friends
This Post you will see that's why your here Support Me as i have did to every 1 of you because you'll see yourself on the 100 Friend list.

I am part od the POTW Team with Jim Allen
We are thinking to change things up to POTM
Person Of The Month
You can self Nominate of pick any one on the 100 friend List Or even if there not on the list.
100 Friends are suppose to me the Backbone of Adlandpro it was a Gift and you deserve the honor to be placed on this list.

Now All i ask is for you to look over this list and either nominate yourself or pick a friend that you think is deserving.

All You need to do is Copy Your friend Picture and all and post it in the forum above.
So Lets

I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
RE: 100 Friends
3/20/2013 1:49:32 PM
I would love to be added to the list if this is still current!

(Sign Me In As a Volunteer)


p.s. Ive set the option in setting lol. I am working to participate more often here among the forums!
I enjoy talking with people that are interested in working together and communicating with others. If you are interested in chatting or joining a friendly team of people the best way to reach me is through Skype or Twitter. Skype Name: HRJustinPTC
Bogdan Fiedur

4629 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 50 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: 100 Friends
3/20/2013 2:54:41 PM
I would love to be added to the list if this is still current!

(Sign Me In As a Volunteer)


p.s. Ive set the option in setting lol. I am working to participate more often here among the forums!

Hi Justin,

Go here and select the check box to participate in the program.
