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Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: 100 Friends
12/15/2012 6:51:22 PM
Absolutely have to agree that to be on the 100 list you should have a profile pic of you, an about me and some interests, plus activity. This is after all a Social Thang and being such you should be setting an example as well. If they see incomplete profiles in the 100 List they think that is acceptable when its not.

Sheesh sorry about that, have a great Saturday.


Good morning everyone and it is heartening to see so many people want to truly is wonderful!

May I suggest to all of that we fill in our profiles so that people will get to know you. - being an ambassador means building relationships..this can only be done if people are seen as "people". It does not take long to fill in the about me, the webpage etc. and believe me when I say, it will only help YOU!


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: 100 Friends
12/15/2012 7:00:17 PM
Sign me up as a volunteer.
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RE: 100 Friends
12/15/2012 9:58:23 PM
Sign me up as a volunter please. Thank you. From Nezzi
RE: 100 Friends
12/17/2012 2:21:37 AM
Hey sign me up as a Volunteer.

Tania Vick
Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: 100 Friends
12/17/2012 12:41:15 PM

Good Morning Volunteers, and Supporting Members.

I have a simple question this morning about the 100 Friends.

One of the features I like when a new request agrees to be friends,

I get a notification in my main email account saying:

"You Have a New Friend"

The email contains a link to this persons profile that makes it easy to

visit their profile, and send them a welcome package.

With this new feature for new members that accept the 100 friends,

will we still receive this valuable email saying:

"You Have a New Friend" ?

To me this needs to still stay in place with notifications.


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