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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/1/2012 7:57:51 PM
I like both of these paintings just for the different window styles and outdoor scenery of different areas of the world. I like the Dali for the color scheme, and wonder why he called it "Person" instead of "Woman"...?

I also haven't heard of that song, sometimes we'd rather stay home and have our dreams the way we want, instead of reality the way we don't want.


Roger and Myrna,

I especially remember
Woman at a Window, a jewel of a painting by Caspar David Friedrich that really blew my head when I presented it in this forum. It was painted in 1822.

Caspar David Friedrich - Woman at a Window (1822, oil on canvas)

I consider it very likely that Dali was inspired in this work to paint, a little over a century later, his Person at the Window of 1925.

Salvador Dali - Person at the Window (1925, oil on canvas)

Other artists have painted similar themes but with the woman rather sitting and knitting or peeling potatos or playing the lute (Vermeer), but that I know only the two by C.D. Friedrich and Dali are standing and looking out the window with their backs to the viewer.

In my view, this latter characteristic is what gives both paintings their particular evocative feeling.

Without going out of your door
You can know all things on earth
Without looking out of your window
You can know the ways of heaven

The farther one travels
The less one knows
The less one really knows

Remember the song? But the lyrics are from Lao Tse's
Tao Te Ching, the bible of Taoism.


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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/1/2012 10:37:48 PM
You are right, Roger; Dali most probably was inspired in a playing card to paint this work. It definitely looks like one but one with his cousin in it instead of a king or queen or a knight.

I was wondering what it was in this painting that so ticked my boxes, lol

Dali seems to have drawn his inspiration from so many different sources. Whether these were always the mystical or esoteric sort is something I don't have as yet clear, except that we consider playing cards to be 'mystic' or 'esoteric' by dint of their oriental origin. But I am afraid you may consider this posibility too far-fetched.



Salvador Dali - Portrait of My First Cousin (oil on canvas, 1923)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/1/2012 11:10:37 PM

An interesting question, Kathleen, it too crossed my mind; and I have just found out the original name, in Catalan,
is 'Figura en una Finestra' (Spanish Figura en una Ventana, English Figure at a Window) and not 'Person at a Window' as is rather called. The painting is one of many Dali's treasured in the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid, Spain.

As to the song ('The Inner Light') it was composed by George Harrison and sung by the Beatles in one of their albums, I don't remember exactly which but very probably their 'Magical Mystery Tour' album. The music of the song is definitely Indian, but the words are no less definitely inspired in Lao Tse's
Tao Te Ching (the very famous and very mystic and esoteric Chinese treatise on Taoism).



I like both of these paintings just for the different window styles and outdoor scenery of different areas of the world. I like the Dali for the color scheme, and wonder why he called it "Person" instead of "Woman"...?

I also haven't heard of that song, sometimes we'd rather stay home and have our dreams the way we want, instead of reality the way we don't want.


Roger and Myrna,

I especially remember
Woman at a Window, a jewel of a painting by Caspar David Friedrich that really blew my head when I presented it in this forum. It was painted in 1822.

Caspar David Friedrich - Woman at a Window (1822, oil on canvas)

I consider it very likely that Dali was inspired in this work to paint, a little over a century later, his Person at the Window of 1925.

Salvador Dali - Person at the Window (1925, oil on canvas)

Other artists have painted similar themes but with the woman rather sitting and knitting or peeling potatos or playing the lute (Vermeer), but that I know only the two by C.D. Friedrich and Dali are standing and looking out the window with their backs to the viewer.

In my view, this latter characteristic is what gives both paintings their particular evocative feeling.

Without going out of your door
You can know all things on earth
Without looking out of your window
You can know the ways of heaven

The farther one travels
The less one knows
The less one really knows

Remember the song? But the lyrics are from Lao Tse's
Tao Te Ching, the bible of Taoism.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/2/2012 10:02:56 AM

But, what to say of this painting below that doesn't even look like a Dali (but is a Dali) with its symmetrical figures of women and its absolutely tranquil atmosphere? It was painted almost ten years later but it seems to be a hundred years older and sort of light-years apart in style - which is no demerit of course.

"Dawn, Noon, Sunset and Twilight" (oil on wood, 1979)

I am showing these two master works together just to emphasize how difficult
it is to try and give interpretations when dealing with a genius.


After a little research I discovered the following.

A reproduction of The Angelus (1857-59) By Jean-Francoise Millet hung on the wall of the school which Dali attended at the end of eight and proved to be an endless source of inspiration to him throughout his life.


I thought so. Another little discovery too, coming here.


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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/2/2012 10:11:56 AM

It was painted almost ten years later but it seems to be a hundred years older and sort of light-years apart in style - which is no demerit of course.

"Dawn, Noon, Sunset and Twilight" (oil on wood, 1979)


After a little research I discovered the following.

I also discovered that Dali experimented with pointillism in 1922-3 after study of Seurat's pioneering experiments.

Dali produced this in 1923 and called it

Bathers of La Costa Brava Bathers of Llaner

Salvador Dali's oil painting Bathers of La Costa Brava Bathers of Llaner, 1923

He was reported as being obsessed with the hedonist bathers on the Figueras beaches.

STUDY OF A NUDE - Salvador Dali

NUDE IN A LANDSCAPE - Salvador Dali 1922-23


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