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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/1/2012 9:44:33 AM


Person at the window is perhaps the best known of these and is Dali's version of a frequently used them but it is so plain yet complex. I love this painting. The others I haven't seen before. I shall study at length.


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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/1/2012 3:16:04 PM
Hi Miguel and Roger,

This painting of person in the window.
Has this been painted by other painters? I have seen more then one of Person in the window. Can you let me know about the artists.
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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/1/2012 5:23:39 PM

Roger and Myrna,

I especially remember
Woman at a Window, a jewel of a painting by Caspar David Friedrich that really blew my head when I presented it in this forum. It was painted in 1822.

Caspar David Friedrich - Woman at a Window (1822, oil on canvas)

I consider it very likely that Dali was inspired in this work to paint, a little over a century later, his Person at the Window of 1925.

Salvador Dali - Person at the Window (1925, oil on canvas)

Other artists have painted similar themes but with the woman rather sitting and knitting or peeling potatos or playing the lute (Vermeer), but that I know only the two by C.D. Friedrich and Dali are standing and looking out the window with their backs to the viewer.

In my view, this latter characteristic is what gives both paintings their particular evocative feeling.

Without going out of your door
You can know all things on earth
Without looking out of your window
You can know the ways of heaven

The farther one travels
The less one knows
The less one really knows

Remember the song? But the lyrics are from Lao Tse's
Tao Te Ching, the bible of Taoism.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/1/2012 5:57:26 PM


There are definitely more versions but none as lovely as your two examples. Here is an American modern painting just to emphasize the attraction of the composition. Pretty but no contest. (I would love to claim it though).


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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/1/2012 6:16:51 PM


Salvador Dali - Portrait of My First Cousin (oil on canvas, 1923)

This painting is strange but good. Proportions are mixed, very much like in some Matisse paintings where the image is more important than the realism.

Rather like a playing card where the images merge in the centre.



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