Hi Daniel;
Did my post annoy you? lol Sorry.
When you mentioned this parallel assumption using the referance you did a thought pop into my mind. It was now there's a person that thinks they know everything...
Okay, so I know you haven't read the "What the Bleep?" thread. *wink*
Nope, I don't think I know everything. Far from it. I suspect if you were to poke around this forum a little, you might feel kind of sheepish for that comment. Maybe not, too, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.
...but then I thought no she probably is just trying to help people not to get trapped into using banner ads to advertise their banner design sight ...
Nope. See, if that was an ad by the banner design site, I might think it was pretty bright on their part. But it wasn't. It was a free ad created AT the banner design site to promote an affiliate link for someone selling a "how to make money online" program.
You can find it in their sample ads.
(Free Ads --> Humorous --> "Monkey Sez")
...or just to teel people to watch what your doing when we advertise. ...
Bingo! There you go.
...People like yourself that are not driven by profit A genuine contributor to the group or society. Ill get of my soap box and thank you for your insight.
Hey, wait a minute! Who said I'm not driven by profit? Have you LOOKED at my website? lol
Kidding aside, no, I don't get paid for what I do here. That doesn't really mean diddly because there's lots of people giving free advice that's worth what you pay for it. (ie; nothing)
Each person has to decide for themselves what advice is worth listening to. But, here's a tip. If anyone tells you it's a good idea to run a banner with someone else's url on it because it's free, that's probably not the advice to listen to.
See, the thing is, there really is no such thing as free. If I give you a free donut, it's not a free donut. It just means *I* paid for it, not you.
When something is labelled as "free" - that just means "no money" - but there still IS a cost. Then you just have to figure out what it is. Is it your time? An obligation? Your email address? Promoting someone else in addition to yourself?
And if you are saying "this is a great way to make money" maybe broadcasting the fact that you're using a free banner creator isn't the best way to convince anyone that the program is a moneymaker?
But there I go with the subconscious parallel assumption again. lol
And, by the way... you're welcome.
: )