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June Poems
6/7/2012 10:53:51 AM

A Purpose For Prophecy

By Rev. Dean Beaty 6/6/12

I John 3:2-3 “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not

yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear,

we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that

hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.” (KJV)

When one knows not - God’s prophecy,

It leads to a life of worldly ease.

Our Lord has promised to come again.

John said; this hope would keep us from sin.

If tomorrow you should stand before God,

Would He declare that your life was a fraud?

You knew of His love and claimed His name,

But your profession was sure rather lame.

If we never share the Savior with men,

How will they ever be saved from their sin?

How will they know that Christ came to save?

Or that there’s new life just after the grave.

Compare God’s Word to current events,

Then you will see prophecies’ intent.

Just read the handwriting that’s on the wall.

It will prepare you to hear the Lord’s call.

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RE: June Poems
6/12/2012 12:02:33 AM

Prayers vs. Pesos

By Rev. Dean Beaty 6/10/12

II Thessalonians 3:1 “Finally, brethren, pray for us,

that the word of the Lord may have free course, and

be glorified, even as it is with you:” (KJV)

Prayers can do what our money can never,

Winning a soul that will praise God forever.

Though missions need money they need prayer even more,

That God will open a sinner’s heart’s door.

No one accept Christ without the Spirits call.

Two billion dollars can’t do that at all.

Though you can’t give, you can have a vital part

To help a lost soul to give the Savior his heart.

Prayer doesn’t cost us a solitary cent

But it makes a difference to those who are sent.

All that it takes is our faith and our time,

Neither of which will cost us a dime.

The Great Commission is our Savior’s command.

It’s placed on all Christians as a Biblical demand.

We may not be able to cross the wide seas

But our prayers have great power when we’re on our knees.

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RE: June Poems
6/13/2012 10:55:36 AM

Wait Upon the Lord

By Rev. Dean Beaty 6/7/12

Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew

their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they

shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (KJV)

When the Lord told Peter to go and catch a fish,

It wasn’t for their supper to be the main course dish.

But in the fish’s mouth - he would find some money.

It was a strange command and I’m sure he thought it funny.

But Peter did as Jesus said and went and did the deed

And it was just enough to meet the Savior’s need.

Not every fish you catch will provide a way to buy.

In one-way or other, our need God will supply.

How oft we would prefer to have it in the vault,

So our worries would be less and our faith, not have a fault.

God sometimes makes us wait until the latest hour,

So we’ll depend on Him and on His mighty power.

Before we start to doubt, give thanks for what He’ll do.

Remember at all times all praise to God is due.

The fish was not expected to meet the need that day,

So do not limit God but trust He’ll find a way.

The Lord used many means to give what He supplies.

One day He took some mud to put it on blind eyes.

God used a loaf of barley that rolled down from a hill. (Judges 7:13)

Don’t tell God how to do it - just let Him have His will.

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RE: June Poems
6/13/2012 10:56:41 AM


By Rev, Dean Beaty 6/12/12

James 1:2-4 “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers

temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh

patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be

perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” (KJV)

Do you ever get discouraged over things that come your way?

Remember this is Satan’s world and not our eternal day.

This is the best that sinners know and the worst we’ll ever see.

Their father’s place is no delight, while heaven’s prepared for thee.

God’s Word says we are pilgrims and strangers in this place,

While the owners of this world know nothing of God’s grace.

So do not count it strange at all that you have no comfort here.

Our home is almost all prepared. We may go there yet this year.

Take heart though trials come your way and count them all as gold.

When Satan, as a lion roars, with Christ stand tall and bold.

Count it all joy to suffer and trust in God’s great grace.

Greater is He within you so fear not the lion’s face.

Peter too was discouraged when his eyes were on the sea.

But Christ was there to lift him and will be there too for thee.

Keep your eyes toward heaven and your ears tuned for Christ’s call.

Cast your cares upon the Lord and let Jesus bear them all.

I peter 5:6-8 “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect

and entire, wanting nothing. Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” (KJV)

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RE: June Poems
6/21/2012 1:49:49 AM

What You Believe Matters

By Rev. Dean Beaty 6/19/12

Hebrews 9:27-28 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die,

but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear

the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear

the second time without sin unto salvation.” (KJV)

So many fall for Satan’s lie,

To believe life’s o’er when e’er they die.

They do not know that life goes on.

They think, once dead, all life is gone.

They don’t believe there’s a God to meet,

Or that He sits on a judgment seat.

The god they’ve heard of is all love.

One of his symbols is a dove.

They live their life thinking all is well.

They don’t believe in a place called hell.

But God is a God of justice too.

To reject His Son, there’s judgment due.

They believe that God is just a myth,

So they ignore His precious Gift.

Living their life in Satan’s mire.

They don’t believe in a lake of fire.

Receive God’s Son while there’s yet a day.

He promised that He’d not turn you away.

By faith alone trust in His Grace.

When life is o’er you’ll not fear His face.

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