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RE: Purpose you can imagine!
4/12/2012 12:41:17 PM

Hello Dear Russian Friend Lydia!

You are amazing My Friend to entertain or maintain such a chat...

I would have flush him away right from the beginning...

There are so many people out there with so many different agendas that it is very much difficult to know what he was looking for really.

One thing I noticed, from all of the sites where I belong, is that all those who jump on the chat right away instead of getting involved in the community and getting to know me from there, have some kind of an agenda that I am not interested to get involved in...

- they want a loving relationship to marry someone and get out of their country;

- they want a partner for their business endeavours;

- they want to screw people financially or otherwise;

- or anything else.

I have not seen once, so far, someone jumping right away on the chat to be really looking for friendship and a nice and clear relationship... to the point that I cancelled my chat programs a couple of time in the past. But, then, finding I need it to really communicate with a good friend. So, Now, I refuse all invitations to be friend from unknown people, especially if they do not have a picture of themselves and do not have any profile setup.

This is my perspective!

Hugs & Blessings


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RE: Purpose you can imagine!
4/12/2012 4:01:06 PM

Hello my Dear Canadian-French WEB-Friend Alain!


You are amazing My Friend to entertain or maintain such a chat...

I would have flush him away right from the beginning...

He (she) trained me in English language. Free. I am learting Enlish. Why not to chat?
He (she) has a photo and name in his profile.

At first he (she) did not say anything obscene.
And even in the end of the conversation when he (she) was rude, I learned new words, unknown to me before.
I had to go to dictionary, to understand.
Here, in Adlandpro, no one does teach me rude.

Not only new words I learned from his free lesson.
To understand the meaning of the conversation, I had to fill the gaps in geography (where is Tripoli?), Military events, the U.S. position and so on.
And could American's
general be located in Libya?
U.S. bombed to Libya from the air, but not located there.
As far I understand it.
Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Purpose you can imagine!
4/12/2012 6:50:34 PM
Hello Lydia,

I agree with Alain on everything he says except for one point: even if the person has a picture, nothing can assure you it is his or her picture, so not even that is a good argument to accept his or her friendship - let alone participate in any activity with him.

Other than that, I have never liked chatting. From the very little experience I have had with chatting, it has always seemed to me a total waste of time. On the other hand, I have never known a person who likes chatting and at the same time is a reliable AND intelligent person.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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RE: Purpose you can imagine!
4/13/2012 1:39:40 AM
Hi Lydia,

Since you mentioned it, I too was contacted by a General Ham some time ago, which I forgot about until you repeated his name several times. In fact, as I remember it was General Ham Carter. I did a check on him and he is married.. Here is what I found on him. Now, what would a man with his prestige be doing on a Skype call. Sound odd to me.
I think this guy is using someone else ID. He may have a motive to his madness. Lydia keep us informed on this turkey, I think he is up to no good.

Flag of Lydia Fokina

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RE: Purpose you can imagine!
4/13/2012 5:01:43 AM
LOL, Myrna, we have common turkey!
How we will divide him?
I listened to real General Ham on Youtube,

he has an earring in one ear, what it means, maybe he's gay?

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