Hello Dearest Branka, CONGRATULATIONS for Being the QUEEN as the 313th POTW. As You mentionned, Change leads us to Be the Best We Can Be! As this graphic mentions... "Change is the Essence of Life. Be willing to surrender what You are for what You could Become." Such a Beautiful Butterfly You Make My Friend! 
I Love You Dear Branka! Thanks for being My Friend! Hugs, Love & Blessings, Alain My dear Alain, as bigger efforts I offered to my life to become a butterfly, as more certain bumblebee I became. Efforts are wasted if we do not tame resistance. Resistance is mother of all absurds and paradoxes, mother of science and arts, mother of evolution and revolution. It is the only IDOL who/which I have ever met. Teacher or tomb. Alain, thank you for being part of my life and love. Have a beautiful weekend and be happy! Love, Branka