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It's Time to Congratulate Branka Babic, Winner of the 313TH POTW
2/17/2012 5:35:06 PM


Branka Babic

Branka Babic Bio:

Greetings from Belgrade!

Last time I was POTW # 173. Seems that this last "3" is my lucky number :).
Thanks to all who have voted this week.
Barry, once more thanks, as for the nomination as for the fun. You are doing a great job here!


I was born a far ago.
That year, 1961, has started on Sunday. On October 2nd was Monday, and in my region it is believed that people born on that day, might have a very complexly destiny.
In my case that is very true.

I am fighter, but my fight seldom goes by force. Being a hedonist and utilitarian from one side, and selfless (altruistic) aesthete from another side, to find an accurate way to avoid my possibly big inner conflicts, was a must. How to deal with outer conflicts, we got over the dressage (education), but no one tells what with possible inner wars. In order to achieve that, and to make a valuable inner agreements, I couldn't use already existed patterns, but should have had developed my own. It was not easy, specially not in patriarchal environment, like was mine. That detail was very important for me to become a brave sailor, who'd never underestimate a real cruelty of that section, when sailing among Scylla and Charybdis , but also who would learn to never give up.

"Never say never" is my personal credo.

My life ultimately depends on inspiration, from breathing till cooking.

There are many grande minds who I consider as for my teachers, and whose wisdom and knowledge are my daily food. They are from different fields of life, from spirituality, philosophy, science, arts and also from an average life stages. Some of them I am following, but when it comes to the faith, I must admit that I TRUST IN MYSELF and so far have found this as a top "religion" :).

Is there anything what I dislike?
Of course! But what I dislike, I change.

What I like the most?
LOL the most I like the things which I dislike, because they are my motivators to change. Added to inspiration (again, it is a conditio sine qua non my life) things which I dislike would be considered as a natural supplements to my youth, health, intelligence, usually very jolly mood and openness to the life greatness.

What is biggest worth in my life?
Hm. One day this, and tomorrow - something else. So, it could be a CHANGE. Can't bear with routine. Next could be my congenital anomaly :) to appreciate all what is. Or shorter, as the biggest worth in my life could be declared: steadiness in progressive change.

My first occupation is Professor of Philosophy and Psychology, but I have never being employed with it.
For years I worked as physiotherapist-masseuse and healer.
Now ... my occupation would be shortly said as Mind Ecology Consultant.

Whenever my time permits, I am here.

Thanks for stopping by to read a few words about me.

Branka Babic

Potw Team

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Branka Babic, Winner of the 313TH POTW
2/17/2012 5:39:59 PM

Hello Branka,

Thank you and congratulations. This was a good race as there was some tough competition with the other deserving candidates you were up against. You did prevail and I hope you enjoy your time as the 313th Person of the Week.

Have a great week!



Robert Vaughan

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Branka Babic, Winner of the 313TH POTW
2/17/2012 6:15:42 PM
Hi Barry !

BRANKA Many Congratulations My Friend On Your being VOTED The 313th POTW.

Enjoy The Limelight.

Hugs x

Bob Vaughan U.K.

If This Does Not HELP You ALL - NOTHING Will !!!

Robert D Vaughan
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Branka Babic, Winner of the 313TH POTW
2/17/2012 6:37:37 PM
Hi Barry, got us a fighter this week. I mean that in a good way. This lady is so special to me.


I am so happy to see you as 313 POTW You make life so much fun and having you as my good friend is fun and so rewarding. It is funny when we meet some people it is like the souls connect in a most happy way. Hope you understanding what I am saying.


Have a super good 313 potw time.
love ya,
Branka Babic

1352 Posts
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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Branka Babic, Winner of the 313TH POTW
2/17/2012 7:02:17 PM

Hello Branka,

Thank you and congratulations. This was a good race as there was some tough competition with the other deserving candidates you were up against. You did prevail and I hope you enjoy your time as the 313th Person of the Week.

Have a great week!



Thank you Barry! I'd add: it was a funny race.
2-3 days I have giggled on your choice of the nominees. Thanks again :)!

Have a beautiful weekend,
