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Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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RE: Having Success? Pay it forward!
1/30/2012 8:46:48 AM

The following message was just sent to 11111 of my friends in ListJoe(111 of them are my direct referrals):
Hi ListJoe Friends!

Ken Wolff here and I invite you to the AdLandPro community. It is the land of professional advertisers.

I have to tell you I didn’t know what to expect when I first joined, but everything there exceeded my expectations.

Regardless if you are a business owner or you are looking for groups of friends with similar interests, AdlandPro is the place to be.

You can find friends, place and view classified ads in various areas (dating, real estate, jobs, and more), create picture albums, make announcements, create groups of interests and events.

You can talk live to people online through community messenger and participate in various forums.

Have private conversation through private message system and never receive spam from other users.

All this for free.

You can also start earning money by recommending other people to the site.

No other community offers so much for free to their members. What you get free there, you have to pay a monthly fee anywhere else.

You are only a few clicks away from being involved with the most vibrant, active and supportive group of people, so click the credit link to get started?


The message above will be shown again on the page you go to for credits. Depending on your resolution setting you may have to scroll down a short distance to click on the red "Register Now For Free" button. It will take you step by step through setting up your free self branding profile. It gives you an option to skip some of the steps but I recommend that you complete each step. You can always make changes later.

Once you are in join the "How To Become A Credit Multimillionaire" forum and introduce yourself. If you are interested in becoming a Credit Multimillionaire you will also want to Join Click Voyager. There are 2.25 million credits up for grabs. Be sure and get your share.

I will be around to answer any questions you might have and help you while you learn the ropes.

Ken R Wolff
Internet Marketing Consultant

To Join the "How To Become A Credit Multimillionaire" forum go to this URL:

Next step: Click on Join Forum

Next step: Click on the Introduce yourself

You can post a comment at anytime or as often as you like or start a new thread by clicking on New Topic.

Your past cannot be changed:
change Tomorrow by your Actions


Imagine this: You wake up one day, the sun is shining, the birds are ListJoe
chirping, just another perfect day in your home business

... you log into a website, copy and paste some email ad copy,
press send, and...

PRESTO, you just emailed 10,000 + people. You expect to profit by
at LEAST $200 or so for that mailing.

But that's not even the start of it.

You have 8 more email lists to go, and that's just TODAY.

This is NOT a dream! It's a reality.

There's a new website called List Joe, and it uses a brand new
concept in list building.

Click Here to Join FREE and check it out!

It's now extremely easy for virtually anybody to build MULTIPLE
lists using just ONE LINK.

Plus, if you go pro, you can earn $100 per sale on the special
offer upgrade.

Not to mention the fact that your downline will be building up
to NINE lists for you all at once! (and possibly more in the

Seriously, if you know an easier way to make money, let me

I have not seen anything as well put together as this site in a
long time.

Click Here to look now and tell me if you agree.

Enjoy Your New Lists!

Ken Wolff

P.S. This is still new, so whoever can get in first will greatly
benefit. I would join now and lock in your position, it only
takes a few seconds!

Click Here to Join

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Having Success? Pay it forward!
2/8/2012 5:12:19 AM
Real Viral Traffic at!

Speaking of "Pay it forward!" Here is a link to my new referral in ViralTrafficRush.
Click Here to Viral Ad Page of: Vladimir Betov

1) Create An Ad. It can be a banner ad or a text ad.
2) Share your Referral Link, which is the link to your personal Viral Ad page.

It doesn't get any simpler than that!

You can also click the Viral Grid to visit sites where you can win free cash every day.

Viral Pool! Viral Grid!  Viral Ad!

As soon as you join and place your ad I will pay it forward here and in other places on the Internet to help you build your downline. As I help you build your downline you can pay it forward and help your referrals build thier downline.

Join and see how fast this can happen.


Viral is Better

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Having Success? Pay it forward!
3/15/2012 8:38:33 AM
I received a very positive response to the message I sent out on March 10th about Click Voyager. I want to thank those who signed up! Myrna was the first to join at the gold Level and received 100,000 credits. that will go a long way in attracting the 106,194 members to what ever she wants to advertise. Francisco, Qaim, and Dennis joined as free members and each received 50,000 credits.

I promised to transfer credits to the first 5 who signed up. so far it is at 4. So 1 more person can receive 50,000 credits if they sign up as a free member or 100,000 if they take advantage of the OTO (one time offer) and sign up at the Gold Level.

Oh and Myrna already has 3 Random Referrals. I was wondering about that and asked the owner of the Exchange, Rich, and he said they give a few Random Referrals to those who sign up as Gold members to help them get off to a good start.

I want to help all of you to get off to a good start. After the next person signs up on my 1st level and receives either the 50 or 100K in credits, I will help all of you by adding a text link where people can sign up under you and advertise it here in AdLandPro and other communities on the Internet.

There are lots of reasons to join Click Voyager. Each of the following links will explain a specific reason to join. Each will provide you the opportunity to join.

Here they are:

Here is the message I sent on March 10th:

Hello AdLandPro Friends,

I want to invite you to be a good friend. I wrote
a little about that in another thread entitled "
Through & Join CV To Exponentially Increase
Your Credits!"

The title did not really represent the main point
of the message, so I am re-posting it here.

OK, so what is it to be friends? We get invitations
to be friends a lot here in AdLandPro. Especially
if we are new, or if we have a birthday or we do
something that attracts the attention of other members.
Being an active member here will attract friends.

Having friends is a good thing, but what is it to have
a good friend?

I would say that a good friend is someone who cares
about you and is interested in what you are doing.
It is someone who is willing to listen to you and find
out what your needs wants and don't wants are.

This is about my good friends. I am very generous to my
good friends. In just a few clicks you can receive 50 to
200 thousand credits.

Become a good friend and communicate. Friends are one
thing but good friends communicate.

Here is what I am offering my good friends.

I will give you 50,000 or 100,000 credits if you join
and become active member in Click Voyager.*
(that text link is the best way to join free).
It is free to Join. If you take advantage of the OTO
(One Time Offer) and upgrade to Silver
I will give you an additional 25,000 credits.
If you upgrade to Gold I will double your credits
for a total of 100,000.

I look forward to hearing from you. If I am not
in your circle of friends please send me an invitation.
I know you have good things to offer to and I am
interested in finding out what they are.

This offer is only available to the 1st 5 "good friends"
who sign up. Now the only other expectation is that
we communicate. Let me know right away that you
are all in on this.

Ken R Wolff

Internet Marketing Consultant

*All Credits will be given in Click Voyager.

Your past cannot be changed:

change Tomorrow by your Actions

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Having Success? Pay it forward!
5/21/2012 6:44:32 PM

Welcome to Doug Liebrock our newest member of Click Voyager. Doug joined on my birthday after viewing the Super Mouse splash page that I have in rotation in TopTierTraffic.

NOTE: Usernames in red indicate gold members, usernames in blue indicate silver members.

Your First Level Referrals
Username Name Join Date Referrals Credits Earned (Today) Your Earnings (Today)
targetDoug LiebrockMay 15, 201203377.00 (195.00)675.4 (39)
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Having Success? Pay it forward!
5/21/2012 6:50:48 PM

1st level active members today:

Your First Level Referrals
Username Name Join Date Referrals Credits Earned (Today) Your Earnings (Today)
targetDoug LiebrockMay 15, 201203377.00 (195.00)675.4 (39)
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team