The following message sent to 501 randomly selected friends in HSM:
Hi HSM Friends,
Read this message in the "
How To Become A Credit Multimillionaire" forum in
AdLanPro. Scroll to the bottom and click for credits. that will take you to the forum.
It is with great pleasure that I share with you an opportunity to become a Credit Multimillionaire.
I know...some of you are already there. I also know that If I can do it anybody can and I will show you how.
This is not a get rich quick scheme. It is not necessarily easy. It may take a mind shift. If what you are doing now is not working, try something different.
The Fast Start to Becoming a Credit Multimillionaire is easy. It involves joining the "How To Become A Credit Multimillionaire"forum in AdLanPro and Click Voyager.
If you are serious about earning credits you will want to take advantage of the OTO(One Time Offer). Can you keep a secret? If you want to check it out first and still take advantage of the OTO, join with another email. Trust me, when you see all of the ways to earn credits and the advantages to being an upgraded member you will want to come back and join with an email that you use on a regular basis.
My Unused Credits 2245296.14
Having Success? Pay it forward!
Join this forum! Share your strategies for success!
Join and Get Your Share of 2.25 Million Credits Credits!
Join this forum and Click Voyager and I will give you 2,000 CV Credits!
Join CV as a Silver Member and I will give you 5,000 CV Credits!
Join CV as a Gold Member and I will give you 10,000 CV Credits!The one thing in my life that has brought me the most success is teaching what I learn to others. I have always had a hard time keeping a secret. Especially if it has something to do with earning your way to the top. The top or near the top of the leader board that is. Now, I have to tell you that being in the number one position is not always the best. Let me ask you. Let's say you are a player coach. Wouldn't you rather see your team members on the leader board in front of you? If they are in your downline you would. I have received a lot of awards and recognition over the years, but I get a lot more pleasure in seeing my downline walk across the stage receiving their trophies.
Become a teacher, a coach, a mentor or a leader. Call it what you want, but do it. Don't wait until you know what you are doing before you start. Learn from the mistakes that you are willing to make.
While surfing multiple exchanges as I usually do, one of my favorite notices appeared:
Congratulations! You won 879credits!
A few minutes later:
Prize Claimed!
You won 100 Credits!
The prize has been added to your account and you may now resume surfing by clicking the matching image in the surf bar. Thanks for playing!
Thanks for joining!
Referral Credits Earned Lifetime 595094.90
So many different ways to receive credits!
JOIN NOW BONUS: If you join now and post a message that you joined the forum and Click Voyager stating the level at which you joined, I will DOUBLE THE REWARDS described above. Bring your A Team! Share this information with your followers. I will honor these rewards 5 levels deep or until my credits run out.
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Click Here To Join Click Voyager or click on the banner below.