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Jerry Wisniewski

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RE: It's Time To Congratulate Mary Evelyn Simpson Our 2011 Person of the Year
1/16/2012 6:37:26 PM
WOW What a story.
Congratulations Mary and after reading your profile it is plain to see that you have earned this title starting at 3 years of age.
Your life is like mine to some extent and we all have our cross to bear.

God always provides and even when we are going through it we may feel down but after the fire we are molded for a better purpose.

Good luck to you and may you always be blessed
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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: It's Time To Congratulate Mary Evelyn Simpson Our 2011 Person of the Year
1/16/2012 7:02:23 PM
Hi Barry,
Sometimes we do not get all of the ALP posts we should. If it were not for LaNell I would not have seen this. Thanks LaNell.....

Hi Evelyn,
Your bio is very nice, it is so nice to know more about you. We too have a lot in common, being raised on a farm, which to me, is the best life any kid could have.
Wishing you a fun time in your POTY award. I know you will have a great time with all the great people here on ALP.
AS always,
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: It's Time To Congratulate Mary Evelyn Simpson Our 2011 Person of the Year
1/16/2012 7:08:37 PM
Hello Barry,

I did not receive this newsletter either and I have selected to receive the newsletters.



Hello Mary Evelyn,

Congratulations on winning the 2011 Person of the Year. It was an incredible turn out of voters and you won a well deserved victory with a convincing 60% of the vote total.

I would also like to mention that I apologize for the short delay with my posting as I was away on Friday. However I do want you to know that this was posted in the Community Gazette and sent out to over 84,000 subscribers Friday morning, with the congratulatory thread linked in:

It will also be featured in the Adland Digest newsletter on January 28th and the congratulations thread will remined pinned until the middle of February so it will be made available to be seen all members over an extended period of time much longer than POTW.

Again congratulations it is great to see you win.



Jim Allen

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RE: It's Time To Congratulate Mary Evelyn Simpson Our 2011 Person of the Year
1/16/2012 7:54:07 PM
ditto, I noticed LaNell posting in the forum and came from that link. No email notice though. Goblins
Hi Barry,
Sometimes we do not get all of the ALP posts we should. If it were not for LaNell I would not have seen this. Thanks LaNell.....

Hi Evelyn,
Your bio is very nice, it is so nice to know more about you. We too have a lot in common, being raised on a farm, which to me, is the best life any kid could have.
Wishing you a fun time in your POTY award. I know you will have a great time with all the great people here on ALP.
AS always,

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Robert Vaughan

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RE: It's Time To Congratulate Mary Evelyn Simpson Our 2011 Person of the Year
1/16/2012 9:05:30 PM
Hi Mary,

Better Late Than Never Eh !!!

Many Congratulations My Friend.


Bob Vaughan U.K.

Robert D Vaughan