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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/19/2012 1:53:00 PM

Helen, when I was very young, my mom developed a goiter and had to take medication for a long time. I remember it was a liquid and about the color of brewed tea. After reading all this about iodine, my guess is that is what it was too. What ever it was, the goiter went away and never returned and mom lived to be 84 before she died in 2007. Now, I on the other hand have been on medication for low thyroid for more years than I can count. It would be interesting to see if iodine would work for me, but first I would probably need to find a doctor willing to monitor my progress, which nowadays is not easy to find.


Hello Evelyn and Amanda

Evelyn, in answer to your comment, ...yes, kelp is one of the foods with the highest content of natural iodine there is.

Amanda, I think the best place to get kelp powder is on the internet. Google Kelp Powder and find all sorts things about kelp you may not have known before. The iodine is extremely important but so is minerals. Most of us lack minerals and kelp is a natural way to get many of them.

An interesting website to get lost in is They have oodles of testimonials about everything there. They don't sell anything.

Amanda, it is highly unlikely that you will find kelp or kelp powder in a grocery store. You may find it in your local health store or on the internet.

If you just want Iodine by itself in liquid form then Google for Lugol's Iodine and check out the various suppliers.

An interesting thing about Iodine is that it can "cure" ulcers in most cases. I used to make meals and help out an elderly man. He was a heavy drinker of rum. He told me he had had ulcers a few years before I knew him and I figured it was too much rum. So I asked him how he got rid of the ulcers. He told me he used iodine ...5 drops in a small cup of water or milk in the morning on an empty stomach and nothing to eat for 30 minutes. I asked him if he had quit drinking during that time and he said no!! I was wrong about the rum. He was in his 60's at the time of the ulcers. His elderly mother-in-law also had had ulcers he said. She was scheduled to have 2/3 of her stomach removed. He told her about the iodine which she took. Her ulcers was "cured" and she did not have to have the surgery. She lived to be 97 years old with her stomach intact.

I try to avoid the word "cured" but this was obviously what you could call a cure. If you can use one thing that eliminates a disease and then stop taking it when the disease disappears and if it does not come back when you stop taking the product, you have a "cure" as far as I am concerned. The FDA and Health Canada don't like us using the "c" word but I say to them, "Go ahead, FDA and/or Health Canada, come and get me".

A few years later I read an article that said they had recently discovered that ulcers were usually caused by a parasite that ate away at the lining of the stomach.

The elderly man had discovered how to kill the parasite long before modern medicine did even though he didn't know why the iodine worked. He also use the "iodine trick" as he called it whenever he got a cold or a flu. He did not use any special kind of iodine was just the ordinary topical iodine you get at a drug store ...the kind that says not to take it internally.

When I was a teenager, I had goitre and Graves Disease (overactive thyroid). I recall the doctor telling my parents to give me 15 drops of iodine in water every day and it was just the cheap ordinary iodine you buy at a drug store. The iodine treatment did not do much for my thyroid as far as I know but the point is I am still here to tell about it even though the iodine bottle carried the skull and crossbones on the label signifying it was a poison. My daughter later also got Graves Disease. I discovered that it was Choline (a B-Vitamin) that was what was needed to reverse the disease.

I have since had my cousin and others use the iodine for ulcers and the ulcers were "cured". One young man complained that he was getting a burning sensation when he took the iodine. I told him that that most certainly could happen because his stomach had raw sores in it and I suggested that he reduce the iodine down to 2 drops per day and slowly increase it until he was up to 5 drops. His ulcers left too.

By the way, breast cysts could be treated with liquid iodine instead of kelp if desired. The reason I am such a believer in kelp is because of all the other minerals it contains, too, but there might be reason why some may not be able to consume kelp but I don't what those reasons are. Kelp is just a seaweed which is a daily staple in some peoples' diets. They eat it like lettuce.

I don't know how long the elderly man took the 5 drops/day but I would suggest that people take it for at least 3 weeks after they think the ulcers is gone to make sure to kill all the parasites and their eggs. Some people might say one should take the iodine for 3 weeks and then stop it for 2 weeks while the eggs hatch and then do it for another 3 weeks.

Salt is a very poor way to get your iodine. Regular salt is not good for us. It is better to use sea salt or Himalayan salt. Many people avoid using salt at all so if the iodine did help which I doubt was adequate, people are not getting it.

There is more salt in kelp than in butter and I think salt improves the taste of most recipes. I put kelp in everything ...gravies, sauces, cakes, icing, cookies, pies, soups, mashed potatoes and so on. You just have to be careful not to overdo it or you might ruin your recipe. Don't be afraid to experiment, however. A teaspoon of kelp in a cake recipe won't show up even in a white cake.


Hello Helen,

I have not heard of kelp powder and am quite interested in getting some purely for the iodine content because - it is hard to find other methods to get your supplemental requirement of iodine that our bodies needs and is not getting enough of.
What aisle would you suggest I look for the kelp powder?

I have read that iodine salt does not have the recommended amount and who wants to over salt their food to get more...not me! ugh

BTW I do not add extra salt into my recipes even when it says too as I always buy salted butter.



Hi Michael and all

Adding a tsp of Kelp powder adds numerous minerals to your recipes and may eliminate the need for salt that is called for in some recipes. Kelp is relatively inexpensive and makes a great supplement. Just don't over do it because you may not like the taste and you would don't want to ruin a good thing.

Kelp powder can be added to a lot of things. I even add it to sea salt ..
about 1 tsp of Kelp powder to one cup of salt. Dulce powder would be good, too if you can find it.

If you are interested and if you can find kelp powder, I can tell you of a way you can make your own kelp "pills" without using gelatin capsules. Let me know if interested.

Kelp may help get rid of breast cysts because of its iodine content. I had two friends who had breast cysts. They took kelp and the cysts disappeared. One of the women told me her breast cysts hurt so bad she could not bear it if she touched them. The next day after taking the kelp, they were far less painful. The cysts completely left in a couple of weeks. Isn't that interesting?? :))



2 oz butter
1 egg
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup walnuts or pecans (optional)
3/4 cup dates, or sultanas, or currants, or raisins
1 cup hot water
11/2 cups flour
1 tsp Baking Soda

Beat egg in large bowl, add sugar, water, butter and stir,
till butter melted. Add the walnuts and fruit then the flour
and Baking Soda. (mixture is quite wet) pour into loaf tin
and cook until knife comes away clean when poked into loaf.

Does anyone have a simple recipe for Raisin Bread that does not require yeast? I'm hungry.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/19/2012 1:58:24 PM

We'll be watching won't we Amanda? :) Helen I know what you mean about getting a picture. The one I'm using here now is a year old and it was cropped from a group picture of me and my siblings last year when we had a sibling get together about a week after Christmas. I had tried to make a new one before, since the one I had been using was an older photo, but my arms weren't long enough. LOL


Hi Evelyn and Amanda

Well, maybe one day when no one is looking I will put up a picture. I know how to do it but first I have to get a picture. It may take some time before it happens.



OK Helen, you win, we won't ignore you. :)

Hi you mean people

I won't let you ignore me.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/19/2012 2:03:40 PM
Happy Thursday everyone, just a quick note, I am so enjoying this thread and all the posts from everyone. I just want to say that if I fail to respond to one, please forgive me as I may unintentionally miss one. Again, a big THANKS to everyone. :)
Jim Allen

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/19/2012 2:43:06 PM
Hey Mike,

I can help with the dumplings dude, if you would enlarge your print and stop the eye-straining highlighting, I will share it with you.

First get your stock going and bring it to a boil add your meat let boil till the meat is tender. Dip out two cups of the broth, set aside. Then grab 2 cups of flour one egg and combine in mixing bowl. Fork the egg into the flour (Martha White Self-Rising is all I ever use for flour) then grab the broth you sat aside and slowly add it to the flour while stirring, the broth needs to be warm to hot so the flavor permeates the dumplings. Add broth till flour and egg is almost the consistency of biscuit dough, flour your table or counter top scoop dough out bowl, and knead as you sprinkle flour on top till the dough no longer sticks to your hands. Rool dough out to 1/8-1/4" thickness, depends on whether you like thin or thick dumplings. Let air dry till flour is almost crisp, cut out your dumplings, bring your stock pot to boiling and drop them in, reduce to simmer, make up a batch of cornbread and when the cornbread comes out of the oven you are ready for some good eating.


10_1_136.gifThank you all for your recipes. Shirley has about four cookbooks and not one of them had a recipe for raisin bread. As for the Kelp powder, although kelp is very beneficial if I put it in anything and Shirley found out, she would not eat it. I might try it sometime when she's not looking however. If we had a bigger kitchen with more counter-top space, I would be doing a lot more baking then I do now. For pies I basically have to buy frozen pie shells because I don't have the room to roll out the dough. I have a recipe for pumpkin bread that requires four eggs, so if I can get by with one egg instead that will be a big help. I used to make soups with dumplings, but it has been so long that I have forgotten how to make the dumplings. Awhile back when we were talking about the stock pots, I began making a small one. Each night after the evening meal I would put the left over veges in one and the meat in the other. When I combined them together I realized that I needed a tomotoe base, but had run out of tomatoes. I remember that I had a jar of tomato bullion. It was not in cubes like chicken or beef, but rather in a loose powder form. Shirley reluctantly tried some. She had a second bowl. Back to the stock pot.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/19/2012 2:44:08 PM
Hello Mike,
There were a few places that went on strike yesterday.
I agree, the stupidity of reasoning why games shows cannot show real money because it could be counterfeited!! Duh..

Let's face the facts the Federal (privately owned) bank that the Government does not own or control 'counterfeits paper money' regularly, then sells this counterfeit paper to the Govt so they can spend like drunken sailors and pass on the bill to the citizens on taxes for everything.

This Fiat money, made from fresh air and scenery because it does not have any gold asset to back it up, is the biggest Ponzi Scam of the latest history.


10_1_136.gifHi Evelyn,
Yes, I had to wait until midnight to be able to get into forums. Shirley said that MySpace was unaffected and I belong to Tagged where they put up a blog to explain what is going on. It kind of takes away from the emotional recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance because evidently we do not have a say in what Big Brother decides to do after all. I guess it has to do with piracy by censoring what you can and cannot display. This makes as much sense as it did a few years back when the censors decided that T.V. programs could not display real money on their shows because someone watching could take a picture and counterfeit the money. When I heard that reason I was on the floor laughing. It was a lot easier to take a bill out of your pocket, put it in your copier and print it. Turn the bill over, run the paper back through and copy again. A lot of tax payers money is being wasted on stupid laws that do not make sense.



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