Helen, what puzzles me is my kids watched action movies, cartoons and etc where guns were almost always part of the action, as did my nieces and nephews but none of them ever tried to harm anyone with a gun. They knew it was just that, part of whatever they were watching. I have photos of my son and stepson with their Christmas gifts of toy guns strapped around their waists in the holsters.
I think a big part of what is going on in today's world is because we have gotten so far away from God. I took all three of mine to church every Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night prayer service and now my son and daughter and their families still go to church but my stepson is disabled and not able to do much of anything. Now a lot of churches don't have the Sunday night and Wednesday night services.
Is it any wonder we've gotten to the point where so many now believe that right is wrong and wrong is right??
Quote: This one of those cute ... not from YouTube
This proves why we should be very careful what our babies watch on TV. They copy everything. What he is watching on TV is pretty harmless but imagine what this kid might be doing if he saw violence. Granted he may not act out the violence ...yet ...but what about later.
Anyway, this is a fun video. Enjoy!