RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
10/29/2013 9:02:47 PM
There are two thoughts to come to mind right now. One is a distribution list. Where you can take your exiting emails and put them in a list. You need to be aware of how many your aloud to send and how big this list should not exceed. you also need to make sure doing batches or distribution list as to not let everyone see others email address. Normal Field, CC, and BCC. Understand how these work. some email providers do not have the option to create distribution list but with a real domain name and website you get a pretty good email program. Other point to using your email provider is the correct way of doing things so you do not get black listed. If this happens everything you send from your provider goes to spam and other things. Auto Responders could be a good option for you. Mail Chimp is free and you can send many emails and have a good size list with out worrying too much. As all auto-responders they need to be set up so your subscribers or customers are signing up for them. Some let you add your own email addresses but then you are in danger of have your account deleted for sending out to people that did not sign up. For no money try Mail Chimp. they have god support and some helpful getting started videos that help you understanding getting things going. If you never done one before, then do the free and go through the learning curve. They give you online forms once you have it set up so they can be actively online. You also can have them in your Website or Blog. The option with the auto-responders is that you can segment your list, send campaigns to the ones you want and send different stuff to a different group all legal with out getting in trouble with spam if they are signed up. hope any of this helps. As far as your domain name, put together several of your ideas, then run keyword tools to get more ideas and see how effective they might be. you domain name is important but also does not have to be exact if already taken. what gets real important is the page name, description, keywords, and the body, that is the text, or content.
just been going through life and things are pretty good.
Hello Mark
How are you doing? We haven't heard from you for a while!
I haven't even started getting a website yet. I don't know if I will. I haven't even gotten a name for it. The name is the hardest part, I find. And then when I finally think of one, someone has already gotten it and they want $30,000 for it. I wrote one guy and told him, "Try $5.00". He was insulted, he said. Well, I was insulted, too ...with $30,000. So, we're even.
I am seriously considering continuing with my present method of gathering email addresses and sending them information about my products ...and forgetting about the website at least for now. I am very good at getting people to give me email addresses anywhere, anytime. Out of those I approach, I get about 75% to give me an email address ...that's 75 people out of 100 who give me their email address.
I am very upfront with them ...that I sell products. I don't try to sell them anything on this first meeting ...I am just asking for their email address to send them more information. These are total strangers but I have a system and a way of saying things so they don't feel like I am a stranger ...after about 1 minute.
Out of 100 email addresses given to me, about 4 or 5 people will buy my product sooner or later and they will buy it at least once, some more often. Generally, women like to buy and men are looking for ways to make money so I sell products to women in most cases and I sell the business plan to the men but I also present both to each from time to time.
I enjoy this type of 'selling' because if they say no, I probably will never see them again so I don't care. It's on to the next one. Also if they talk about me which I doubt they would, it is to someone I am unlikely to see either.
If anyone wants to know my methods and wants to know what to say, word for word, you have to join my program under me and spend $33 each month autoship for the product. In one year, you could be making $10,000 to $20,000 per month if you worked at it but the work is easy and ideally would only require 1 or 2 hours a day for 4 days a week. After 1 year, you will be amazed how such little time has produced so much. By the way, there are ways of getting people to give you email addresses without you having to approach anyone. My method costs me nothing but time. But there are other methods may require a bit of an expenditure on ads and a phone answering service, for example, but these are not very costly.
For more information, send me an email >>> zhebee@yahoo.com
Mark, what I need is a system for sending out my emails so they all get the emails in the same sequence, more or less. I was thinking maybe I need an autoresponder. When I get email addresses, I will send, for example, XYZ batch to some, then I send the ABC batch to the same ones in the following week, then I send DEF to the same ones. So far so good ..but after a while, I get another bunch of email addresses and I want to send them the same batches. Then I get another bunch of emails and so on. After that, things start to get complicated with all the addresses and all the batches. Do you think an autoresponder would sort things out for me? The problem with a good autoresponder is it will cost money, too, I suppose. And I may not be able to use the format that I want. I have never used an autoresponder. Any information you can give about them and how to use them will be helpful and much appreciated.
Hi Helen, I never heard, how is your new blog or Website coming? Have you done one yet? If so, like to see it.
Quote: Hi Evelyn
I see you have been busy posting some good videos. It's about time. We missed you when you were so quiet for so long ....being bad, I presume. Well, we'll forgive you ...this time. It's good to have you back to normal.
Here's a neat video for you ....and everyone. Watch it in big screen, if possible.