Happy Thursday Helen, and thanks for being such a good friend. :) Life is very hectic and not sure hectic is the right word, maybe satisfying would be a better word, but I'm still going to keep my private life private. Too many trolls on the internet who like nothing better than to distort the truth.
Helen this graphic is especially for you-
 Quote: ....
Hello Evelyn
I don't know if you remember us here at the Koffee Klatch but if you can recall, many loooonnnggg days ago, in your last post, you made the following statement >> ".... several weeks ago a new door opened for me and it is very exciting. I still plan on being around, just not as much. I am very blessed in so many ways. Hope your day is wonderful. :)
Question: What is his name?
Helen ... I'm the one who posted the quote below ...just in case you don't remember. It's been such a long time ago :(( , I felt I had to re-introduce myself.
My, my Helen, what a vivid imagination you have but unfortunately you could not be more wrong. True, I don't spend near as much time here as in the past but that is because my priorities have changed. I've always been an optimist and am a firm believer that people come into our lives for a reason and that when one door closes another one will open. It is not that any doors have closed but several weeks ago a new door opened for me and it is very exciting. I still plan on being around, just not as much. I am very blessed in so many ways. Hope your day is wonderful. :)
Quote: Psst! Psst! Shush ..Psst!
You all know how Evelyn has not been here much at the Koffee Klatch lately, right? I found out the reason. Evelyn is not who she says she is. She sits all prim and proper in her business suit in her photo but underneath that suit, yes, even under her skin is something very different.
Read the rest of this and you will know why Evelyn moved to Florida.
I took to thinking about her, "Why would she move so far from her family in Tennessee? They don't even talk like Tennesseans in Florida." I'm surprised they even let Tennesseeans into Florida.
She isn't really from Tennessee at all, that's why! The truth is she's really an alien and needs to be near her USO's (Unidentified Submerged Objects) and other aliens near Gulf Breeze in Florida ...see the video below.
She goes to Gulf Breeze to be sucked in and out of the water in her special USO ..just like a sucking eel. That's why once in a while, she disappears from this forum into thin air ...or should I say 'thin water'.
There's something very strange going on here with "Mary Evelyn". That's probably not even her real name. It's probably something more like Kofidingledotclatch and that's how she came up with the name for this forum. It's all starting to make sense!
I've added her real picture below.
What do you think? Post your comments here. Watch the video and then come back and read this post again. You'll see how it all is starting to fit together.
I have to go now and post this over at Truth Tellers.
Until later.....
