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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/20/2013 10:40:15 AM

Hello Everyone

A few years ago I saw Gary Chapman being interviewed on TV. His profession is marriage counselor and he had written a book called The Five Love Languages. He suggested that his principles would be helpful in other relationships besides marriage and I thought it would be helpful to know this stuff. I went to his website and subscribed to his newsletters mainly because I couldn't afford his book. He has since written other books regarding the Five Love Languages ....looks interesting. You can see them on his website.....

Lately I have been getting some interesting emails from him and I thought I would share a few of them here from time to time. Below is one I received yesterday. The 'name' of each Love Language is in the circular graphic and the text is a testimony contributed by someone which, if you were to read enough of them, you'd get really good at recognizing love languages.

Often a person's love language is the one he/she uses to try to show his/her love for you ....If she keeps bringing you little gifts, then her love language probably is receiving gifts, even little meaningless gifts. It makes her feel loved. So she brings you gifts and you probably wish she would stop doing that. Well, she will when she realizes what your love language is so you will have to teach her and let her know what you like ...and so on. I remember at least 3 men (who I did not want) who fell in love with me just because I would occasionally do something for them that I would have done for anyone else.

The 5 Love Languages®

Words Of Affirmation

"When I have to spend a night away from my family, I write a note to each of them and put it under their doona (blanket) so they only find it when they hop into bed for the night. The note tells them how much I love them and look forward to seeing them again soon." ~Gwen

Acts Of Service

"I will make my husband his evening coffee and take it to him, even if I'm steaming mad at him. I want him to know I love him, mad or not." ~Aubrie

Receiving Gifts

Get a bag of mixed individually wrapped candies/chocolate and hide them all around the house. Count the pieces as you go. Then when the person you love notices the first one, tell them there are X number more hidden around the house. Their love tank will start to fill with each piece they find. *Note: Make sure it is a candy they enjoy.

Quality Time

"I occasionally do an at home social hour. I'll buy or make one of my husband's favorite appetizers and a light dinner to go with it. Then I'll send him an evite to our private social hour. I once listed 'live entertainment provided by Max & Pee Dee' (our 2 bulldogs)." ~Marianne

Physical Touch

"My husband does 75% of the driving when we take road trips to see family. To make him feel loved and appreciated for this, I reach over from my seat on the passenger side and give him neck and shoulder rubs while he is driving. It keeps him from tensing up and lets him know I love him!" ~Nita

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Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/20/2013 12:43:24 PM

Hello Diane and a big welcome!! Thanks so much for the great video. I'm going to post it through the youtube link here in the editor. I'm sure being new to our community you did not know this but whenever you want to post a video just click the YouTube icon in the lower right corner and this will bring up a new window and then you paste in the url and click ok and it will post it for you. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and again thanks for your posts. :)

I have a video I would like to share. It is quite ingenious

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/20/2013 12:48:09 PM

Happy Saturday Helen, great information and I can see how these principles could be helpful in other relationships. I will check out your links and may even subscribe to his newsletters. The only problem is I subscribe to so many newsletters now, many political, that I have problems getting around to reading all of them.


Hello Everyone

A few years ago I saw Gary Chapman being interviewed on TV. His profession is marriage counselor and he had written a book called The Five Love Languages. He suggested that his principles would be helpful in other relationships besides marriage and I thought it would be helpful to know this stuff. I went to his website and subscribed to his newsletters mainly because I couldn't afford his book. He has since written other books regarding the Five Love Languages ....looks interesting. You can see them on his website.....

Lately I have been getting some interesting emails from him and I thought I would share a few of them here from time to time. Below is one I received yesterday. The 'name' of each Love Language is in the circular graphic and the text is a testimony contributed by someone which, if you were to read enough of them, you'd get really good at recognizing love languages.

Often a person's love language is the one he/she uses to try to show his/her love for you ....If she keeps bringing you little gifts, then her love language probably is receiving gifts, even little meaningless gifts. It makes her feel loved. So she brings you gifts and you probably wish she would stop doing that. Well, she will when she realizes what your love language is so you will have to teach her and let her know what you like ...and so on. I remember at least 3 men (who I did not want) who fell in love with me just because I would occasionally do something for them that I would have done for anyone else.

The 5 Love Languages®

Words Of Affirmation

"When I have to spend a night away from my family, I write a note to each of them and put it under their doona (blanket) so they only find it when they hop into bed for the night. The note tells them how much I love them and look forward to seeing them again soon." ~Gwen

Acts Of Service

"I will make my husband his evening coffee and take it to him, even if I'm steaming mad at him. I want him to know I love him, mad or not." ~Aubrie

Receiving Gifts

Get a bag of mixed individually wrapped candies/chocolate and hide them all around the house. Count the pieces as you go. Then when the person you love notices the first one, tell them there are X number more hidden around the house. Their love tank will start to fill with each piece they find. *Note: Make sure it is a candy they enjoy.

Quality Time

"I occasionally do an at home social hour. I'll buy or make one of my husband's favorite appetizers and a light dinner to go with it. Then I'll send him an evite to our private social hour. I once listed 'live entertainment provided by Max & Pee Dee' (our 2 bulldogs)." ~Marianne

Physical Touch

"My husband does 75% of the driving when we take road trips to see family. To make him feel loved and appreciated for this, I reach over from my seat on the passenger side and give him neck and shoulder rubs while he is driving. It keeps him from tensing up and lets him know I love him!" ~Nita

ShareHow do you practically speak the love language of someone you love? Share your idea with us and it could be featured in an upcoming newsletter.

Submit your idea here »


RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/20/2013 12:50:42 PM
Today's Daily Inspiration
I think the only answer is to live life to the fullest while you can and collect memories like fools collect money. Because in the end, that's all you have - happy memories.
~ Sarah Strohmeyer
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/20/2013 2:36:34 PM
Okay thats for the info. I didn't know your right. Have a great day!

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